Apologetics is the study and practice of giving answers for the reasonableness and truth of the Christian faith. The word comes from the Greek apologia and means “to give a defense.” In 1 Peter 3:15, Christians are commanded to give an apologia to anyone who asks the reason for our hope.
In a culture where God’s Word is constantly under attack from those both inside and outside of the church, we must always be ready to give a defense for the hope that is in us. Christianity is rooted in history—real people and events of the past.
We can shoot down arguments and offer reasons for our beliefs, but if we don’t lead people to the soul-saving gospel of Jesus Christ, we have not successfully defended the faith.
The Bible not only claims to be a revelation from the infinite Creator, but it gives a very detailed history concerning origins to enable us to come to right conclusions. No other book does this. We have a revelation from an omnipotent God, who gives us the history we need to know so we can interpret the evidence of the present correctly.
In a culture where God’s Word is constantly under attack from those both inside and outside of the church, we must always be ready to give a defense for the hope that is in us. This web series on Apologetics is designed to give you the tools required to defend the faith.
Learning to think critically when faced with an argument is an essential skill that can work as an insulator against cultural brainwashing.
In logic and reasoning eventually you have to appeal to an absolute authority. Which is your authority: the Bible or man’s word?
Presuppositions are simply beliefs that everyone has that affect how we think, view the world, interpret evidence, and read the Bible.
Because theistic evolution and the Bible are mutually exclusive, both cannot be right. And since foundational doctrines that affect the gospel are at stake, we cannot withhold criticism.
Apologetics is used to help people see that Christianity is not a blind faith but a faith that makes sense of what we see.
We don’t need to abandon our defense of the Scripture to emphasize the resurrection.
Biblical critical thinking skills provide a practical toolset for combatting the culture’s lies.
The universe was created not by just a god but by the triune God of Scripture.
News stories thrive on conflict and intrigue, and one theme presents science and religion as opposing forces—reason struggling to overcome divine revelation.
What do young people believe are the best evidences of evolution? A behavioral scientist sought the answer so we could target our training.
The Word of God is clear and needs to be proclaimed to all. It’s for all people for all time, regardless of their level of education!
When we consider the immediate and wider context of 1 Peter 3:15, there is a lot more to it than we may have seen at first.
As you know, Answers in Genesis specializes in teaching God’s Word and presenting the gospel by using apologetics.
Her spiritual life is hanging in the balance and no one even knows that’s the case.
God’s Word never promises to answer every human question.
When people ask why we believe what we do, many are hesitant to quote the Bible. After all, few people believe the Bible, and many parts are hard to explain.
Trying to convince someone about the Creator but unsure which resource is most effective?
Scripture alone is a sufficient source of knowledge about God; nature is not.
Our fallen nature often leads us astray from true obedience into the ditch of rule-keeping.
Outdated apologetics can ruin more than your first impression.
Tough times often force us to go back to the Bible and rethink our assumptions.
Can your child, your student, or your church family answer the following questions?
At fifteen, Andrew Harris decided to do something he’d always wanted: support an orphan in a poor country.
Last week in Bolivia, AiG held some very full days of presenting creation apologetics talks in the city of Santa Cruz.
Today the battle being fought is one of authority. Will we look to God’s Word, or to man and his changing, fallible opinions as our highest authority?
Ken shares how he initially learned scientific and biblical answers to the origins issue, and how you can, too.
As God’s enemies become bolder in their reproaches, how will God’s people respond?
Ken challenges the church to recognize and get equipped for the raging spiritual war.
It’s not enough to teach students facts or good argumentation techniques.
Even when Jeff Durham isn’t teaching his apologetics class, he’s teaching apologetics.
Some Christians have the idea that faith and reason are in conflict, divided by some unbridgeable chasm.
Several years ago, while I was pastoring a church and teaching apologetics at a Christian high school in Wisconsin, I learned an invaluable lesson.
Observational science confirms that the Bible really is the right starting point and reveals the inconsistency of starting with secular ideas.
The creation message has matured over the past three decades, as the discernment and understanding of creationist leaders has matured.
We all have areas of special interest, whether animals, astronomy, or airplanes, that God can use as a springboard for evangelism.
Sharing scientific evidences isn’t enough to convince people about the age of the earth. Something more is needed.
Christians should keep several things in mind when participating in online forums and discussion groups.
If you were to get out on the road and ask people what their biggest questions about the Bible are, what would they say?
If a door is not securely fastened, it doesn’t take long before the hinges will come loose. The same is true of faith.
The Apostle Peter was emphatic that every Christian needs to be ready to defend the faith.
What exactly constitutes a miracle, and did they really occur as recorded in the Bible? Paul Taylor explains.
In a culture where God’s Word is under attack from those inside and outside of the church, we must be ready to give a defense for the hope that is in us.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.