Natural selection (done in the wild) and artificial selection (as done by breeders) produce enormous varieties within the different kinds of plants and animals. It has proved an impossible feat, however, to change one kind of creature into a different kind of plant or animal. The so-called “kind barrier” has never been crossed.
What are these imperfections we walk around with, and do they prove evolution? Among the supposed imperfections are cellular diseases, hiccups, backaches, goosebumps, and wisdom teeth. Almost all cases of “imperfections” chalked up to evolution can be reconciled easily with creation or the curse of God on the whole creation.
Richard Dawkins ignores the difference in the type of evidence supporting Darwinism and the Holocaust. The Holocaust is documented by photographic evidence, by historical documents, and by testimonies of both prisoners and jailers. The “evidence” of evolution, however, is indirect and based on speculation.
Our “strong resistance to evolution” does not spring from a “deep dislike for a scientific understanding of how nature works” or a fear that scientific explanations will crowd out God. The fact is we understand evolution too well to accept it.
Is natural selection, which uses existing information leading to varations in organisms, proof of information-adding, molecules-to-man evolution?
Several organs have been labeled “vestigial” evolutionary relics with little or no function. These organs are now proving purposeful. It’s the label, not the organs, that is vestigial.
A Harvard-trained geneticist shows how new findings have shattered Darwin’s best guesses about the origin of species.
The argument “common design means common ancestry” falsely claims to prove an assumption about the past by pointing out similar body plans in organisms today.
Despite phenomenal fossil failure, faith in evolution remains unbounded.
Trilobites are very famous as fossils and may have a lot to tell us about how life began.
We will discuss how instructors are using the Hardy-Weinberg Principle as evidence for molecules-to-man Darwinian Evolution, why this method of application is incorrect.
Health column blames our propensity for physical problems on faulty body design, but evolutionary presuppositions obscure the real facts.
Molecular analysis suggests a common origin for animal vision.
Cooking: the key to evolutionary success
Lamprey larval cough said to be a clue to the evolutionary origin of breathing.
Recently well known paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey predicted that as more evidence for evolution is uncovered, doubters will ultimately accept it.
Gecko feet: Does their fabulous diversity make them the flagship for convergent evolution?
Blogger displays his lack of understanding of creation science.
Bungled baraminology does not beat us at our own game.
One of the latest claims of “evolution in action” comes via a new study of the lowly bedbug.
Our cursed universe is not nearly as tidy as evolution forces people to assume.
It’s the news that, in the mind of one of our critics, “proved” evolution.
They’re not quite peppered moths, but might black swallowtail butterflies be a new icon of evolution?
Should the creation/evolution debate cease because the answer is “clear”? Join David Wright, AiG–U.S., in examining some common logical fallacies used to support an atheistic worldview.
Theoretical biophysicists have built a mathematical model showing how “protocells” could have originated from simple chemical interactions.
Are the evidences of evolution walking around with us every day? A recent “top ten” list answers in the affirmative.
Perhaps it’s a fault, but we can hardly pass up on responding to any study that, it’s claimed, “proves Darwin right.” But it’s no surprise that we find this “proof” wanting as well.
Are beautiful coral reefs Charles Darwin’s best friends? Perhaps so, for according to one team of paleontologists, they serve as “general cradles of evolution.”
The supposed earliest evidence of four-legged animals—at 395 million years old—sounds like a boon for evolutionary research.
Some argue that the horse offers a “textbook example of evolution.” But does new research undo that claim?
Peppered moths, move over! There’s a new alleged “icon of ‘evolution in action’” in town.
Although we frequently decline to comment when individuals inveigh against creationists (especially because such comments are often redundant and misinformed), we can hardly help but respond to vocal atheist (and anti-creationist) Richard Dawkins.
The New York Times–News to Note conversation continues.
Laboratory scientists designing robots, then making changes to improve the robots’ success—is that really evolution?
If you’re living in Europe, you’ve been asked to help find evidence for evolution in your backyard.
Evolution is taken as fact by both unbelievers and some Christians. Monty White demonstrates that evolution has never been proven.
Proteins that act like “adaptive machines”—are they evidence for evolution or intelligent design?
“Researchers Find Dolphin Loose with Remains of Legs,” blared some news reports.
The hourglass treefrog from Panama is about to become an icon of evolution due to its strange egg-laying behavior.
On Thursday night on American television, ABC News included a segment in its nightly news broadcast (World News Tonight with Charles Gibson) covering the National Academy of Sciences’ newly released book, Science, Evolution and Creationism, described as “a strongly-worded answer to the Creationist movement and the doubts about Darwin that many people express in polls and elsewhere.”
To test the theory that “human ancestors began walking upright because it used less energy than quadrupedal walking,” scientists hooked five chimpanzees and four humans up to facemasks and placed them on a treadmill to measure their “energy expenditure and biomechanics.”
Homology is presented as solid evidence for biological evolution. Is there another explanation for the similarities among limbs?
Science museums in some of America’s largest cities have recently been staging major pro-evolution exhibits, each purporting to show how the fossil record supports molecules-to-man evolution.
European scientists formerly “puzzled” over the workings of a key episode in the story of evolution have developed a salamander-esque robot in an effort to elucidate an answer to the puzzle.
Scientists in the Bahamas have been carefully observing the leg lengths of brown anole lizards after scientists released predatory curly-tailed lizards onto the islands.
The following headline was featured Sunday morning (November 5) on Fox News Television: “Japanese Researchers Find Dolphin with Remains of Legs.”
A cover story in the reputable journal Science evolution proclaimed evolution as the “breakthrough of the year” for 2005.
A review of the literature on homology indicates that the theory does not provide evidence for evolutionary naturalism, and that the common examples of homology can be better explained by Creation.
Molecules-to-man evolution requires that non-intelligent processes could produce vast quantities of functional complex information.
A whole age of scientific endeavour was wasted searching for a phantom. It is time we stopped and looked at the facts. Natural sciences failed to supply any evidence for evolution.
So-called homologous structures are no proof of common descent, so are no proof of evolution.
Genetics has no proofs for evolution.
Lurking in even our finest hospitals is an unwelcome visitor—the supergerm. Doctors have exposed it to every available antibiotic, but it merrily goes on growing.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.