Curriculum Packs

The focus of this curriculum is on what is known as “astrophysics.” This goes a little deeper into how the universe began, how it works, and how things like black holes, dark matter, and gravity are used by God to sustain His creation.

$67.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

Study the requirements for becoming a forensic science expert, learn about the details of a forensic investigation, and discover the extensive training needed by forensic science experts.

$78.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

The Wonders of the Human Body Series is an exploration of the awe-inspiring creation that is the human body. Nothing else in the universe is quite like it! Your body is delicate yet powerful, incredibly complex but at times amazingly simple.

$58.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

The Wonders of the Human Body Series is an exploration of the awe-inspiring creation that is the human body. Nothing else in the universe is quite like it! Your body is delicate yet powerful, incredibly complex but at times amazingly simple.

$58.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

Bible-based and Creator-centered, God’s Design for Science Curriculum will sow a love for science in your students grades 3–8. The evidence supports the Genesis account of creation! Bonus: Free Fearfully & Wonderfully Made book included.

$310.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

This course goes way beyond old-style Christian texts that teach math with a few Scriptures sprinkled in. This course truly transforms the way students see math!

$119.00 Sale

Curriculum Includes

Dennis Englin’s Chemistry is a thorough, practical, engaging lab-based curriculum that focuses on chemistry concepts and their applications. Even better, everything is strongly rooted in a biblical worldview.

$63.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

In this Jr High (7th - 8th grade) pre-algebra math course, students will explore pre-algebra concepts through a Biblical worldview, establishing how the consistencies we see in mathematical concepts proclaim the consistencies of a faithful God.

$71.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

Based on the amazing Answers Book for Kids series, with answers to over 100 of their most difficult questions! This course features a five-day schedule, but is easily adaptable to most any educational calendar.

$67.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

The Principles of Mathematics Biblical Worldview Curriculum is a first of its kind. It takes math to a whole new level; one that students and parents love! This course goes way beyond the old Christian texts that teach math with a few Scriptures sprinkled in and maybe some church-based word problems. This course truly transforms the way students see math!

$71.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

Now you can use the popular Answers Books 1 & 2 as apologetics homeschool curriculum. The Answers Books contain answers from scientists in geology, astrophysics, astronomy, biology, chemistry, and more.

$42.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

Apologetics in Action explores Volumes 1 & 2 of Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions and How Do We Know the Bible Is True?. This Homeschool Curriculum is designed to train high school students in the ultimate authority of the Bible.

$62.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

A high-quality homeschool curriculum! Includes 2 books and an easy-to-follow teacher guide with worksheets, quizzes, tests, and other additional teaching helps. Books are Passport to the World and Children's Atlas to the World. This pack is complete with all you need to quickly and easily begin your education program today!

$42.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

Step onto the moon as you begin a powerful educational journey through the universe! From the barren moon to the farthest galaxies we can see, you will learn about the facts and wonders of this marvel of creation. Teams solid science with a biblical perspective to answer important questions about the stars, planets, and the place of Earth in this vast expanse!

$99.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

A high-quality homeschool curriculum! Includes 3 books and an easy-to-follow teacher guide with worksheets, quizzes, tests, and other additional teaching helps. Books are Unwrapping the Pharaohs, Unveiling the Kings of Israel, and The Archaeology Book. This pack is complete with all you need to quickly and easily begin your education program today!

$87.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

A high-quality homeschool curriculum! Includes one book and an easy-to-follow teacher guide with worksheets, quizzes, tests, and other additional teaching helps. The book is The Stargazer's Guide to the Night Sky. This pack is complete with all you need to quickly and easily begin your education program today!

$42.99 Sale

Curriculum Includes

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