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Survey of Astronomy

Lesson Plan Pack - 4 books, 2 DVDs

List Price: $124.94
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  • Format: Curriculum Kit
  • Dimensions:
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Grade: 10 - 12
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • ID: 1000701
  • SKU: 40-1-434
  • ISBN: 9780890517666
  • UPC:

Step onto the moon as you begin a powerful educational journey through the universe! From the barren moon to the farthest galaxies we can see, you will learn about the facts and wonders of this marvel of creation. Teams solid science with a biblical perspective to answer important questions about the stars, planets, and the place of Earth in this vast expanse!

What’s Included $125 value

  • Survey of Astronomy (Teacher Guide)

    This Survey of Astronomy (Teacher Guide) curriculum guide contains homeschool materials for use with Taking Back Astronomy, The Stargazer's Guide to the Night Sky, Our Created Moon, Our Created Moon DVD, and Created Cosmos.

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  • The Stargazer’s Guide to the Night Sky

    If you have ever looked up into the night sky and wanted to know more about what you are seeing, this book is for you. The Stargazer’s Guide to the Night Sky will unlock the night sky allowing you and your family to better appreciate this marvel of creation.

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  • Created Cosmos

    This special edition has awe-inspiring effects plus more vivid colors.  Bonus features include a new full-length commentary by Created Cosmos author Dr. Jason Lisle.

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  • Our Created Moon

    Dr. Donald DeYoung displays the latest discoveries of astronomy to analyze flawed views of the moon’s origin.

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  • Taking Back Astronomy

    Dr. Jason Lisle debunks the most widely accepted evolutionary ideas about astronomy. Readers are given solid answers to many questions, including the speed of light, the big bang, extra terrestrials, the reliability of the Bible, and more.

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  • Our Created Moon

    This powerful book brings “science to life” for laymen, answering 63 questions about the “lesser light” which God placed in Earth’s orbit to show His wisdom and care for mankind.

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Lesson Planner Pack Quick Overview

  • Weekly Lesson Schedule
  • Student Worksheets
  • Quizzes and Test
  • Answer Key
  • Taking Back Astronomy
  • The Stargazer's Guide to the Night Sky
  • Our Created Moon
  • Our Created Moon (DVD)
  • Created Cosmos (DVD)
  • Teacher Guide

Survey of Astronomy

  • 1 Year Science
  • 1 Credit
  • 10th-12th Grade

Course Description

This is the suggested course sequence that allows one core area of science to be studied per semester. You can change the sequence of the semesters per the needs or interests of your student; materials for each semester are independent of one another to allow flexibility.

Taking Back Astronomy: Take a breathtaking look at the universe in this comprehensive guide to the heavens! Sit back and explore the world at your fingertips. This book explains the scale and size of the universe that is hard for our minds to imagine, yet can only indicate the Master's hand at work. Marvel at over 50 full-color, rarely seen photos of stars, nebulae, and galaxies. Study the facts that challenge secular theories and models of the universe-how it began and how it continues to amaze the scientific community. Explore numerous evidences that point to a young universe: magnetic poles of planets, the spiral shape of galaxies, comets and how long scientists think they can last, and much more. Step out among the stars and experience the truly awesome power of God through this glimpse of His vast creation.

Our Created Moon: For eons the moon has intrigued humanity. From its creation through the current issues of space exploration the moon has been both a light in the night and a protective shield of earth placed perfectly by God, regulating our seasons and keeping our atmosphere purified. Billions of dollars have been spent to reach its surface and discover its secrets; open these pages and discover those secrets for yourself.

The Stargazer's Guide to the Night Sky: Explore the night sky, identify stars, constellations, and even planets. Stargaze with a telescope, binoculars, or even your naked eye. Allow Dr. Jason Lisle, a research scientist with a masters and PhD in astrophysics, to guide you in examining the beauty of God’s Creation with 150 full color star-charts. Learn the best ways and optimal times to observe planets and stars with easy to use illustrations. Create or expand the hobby of stargazing; an outdoor, educational hobby to enjoy with friends or family.

Our Created Moon DVD: In this illustrated presentation, Dr. Don DeYoung looks at four of the most popular ideas evolutionists have to offer regarding the moon's origin, and logically concludes that this "lesser light" could only have been placed in its orbit by an all-knowing, all-powerful Creator.

Created Cosmos DVD: Our universe is truly an amazing thing. The vastness of space boggles the mind, and the beauty of diversity we find there points to a Creator. The Psalmist wrote, "When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the Son of man that You visit him?" Take a tour through the universe during this awe-inspiring presentation.

Suggested optional science labs are made available with this course. These are available from a variety of companies, and are only suggestions, not requirements, as they are not included in the daily schedule

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