This Cultural Issues: Creation/Evolution and the Bible PLP contains materials for use with The New Answers Book 1 and The New Answers Book 2
Cultural Issues: Creation/Evolution and the Bible
Features: Each suggested weekly schedule has two easy-to-manage lessons that combine reading, worksheets, and vocabulary-building opportunities. Worksheets, quizzes, and tests are perforated and three-hole punched — materials are easy to tear out, hand out, grade, and store. Adjust the schedule and materials needed to best work within your educational program. Space is given for assignments dates. There is flexibility in scheduling. Adapt the days to your school schedule.
Workflow: Students will read the pages in their book and then complete each section of the course materials. They should be encouraged to complete as many of the activities and projects as possible as well. Tests are given at regular intervals with space to record each grade. If used with younger students, they may be given the option of only choosing activities or projects of interest to them and taking open book tests.
Calculating Credits: This course should take between 60 to 90 hours to complete, depending on any additional hours spent on added research, essay writing assignments, or suggested lab activities, if assigned. Elective courses that take 60 hours are commonly assigned ½ credit, while those 120 hours or more are assigned a full credit; core courses require over 150 hours for a credit. Based on whether this is being used as a core or elective course, make your final credits calculation based on the total hours of coursework completed in the year.
We will one day all face destructive influences found in the workplace or school environments. Here is a curriculum developed to provide the answers to so many objections of the faith. Students will learn to apply the Biblical worldview to subjects such as evolution, carbon dating, Noah’s ark and the Flood, and over 50 more. Here are the answers to help you know the depths of God’s wisdom found in His Word and in His world, and why this matters to your life, your family, and your faith.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.