Many say life begins at conception. Others argue strongly that life does not start until implantation in the womb. Still others say that human life begins only when the umbilical cord is cut, making the newborn child an independent agent. How is fact separated from opinion?
Bioethicists Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Franklin Miller state, “If killing were wrong just because it is causing death or the loss of life, then the same principle would apply with the same strength to pulling weeds out of a garden. If it is not immoral to weed a garden, then life as such cannot really be sacred, and killing as such cannot be morally wrong.”
Many involved with the research of embryonic stem cells do not believe a new person begins at conception or don’t care. Embryonic stem cells are viewed as property, not people. Harvesting ESCs kills the embryo.
On the BBC-TV’s Sunday Morning Live, advice columnist Virginia Ironside surprised viewers by saying, “If a baby’s going to be born severely disabled or totally unwanted, surely an abortion is the act of a loving mother. . . . If I were the mother of a suffering child I would be the first to want to put a pillow over its face.”
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Does life begin at the moment of conception or sometime later? Properly answering this question can mean the difference between life and death.
In this series, we take several pro-abortion arguments that have been circulating on social media and examine them in the light of Scripture.
Is mankind something special, made in the image of God, or are humans just higher animals, the descendants of an ape-like ancestor?
A clone is a genetically identical copy of a living organism. What about cloning humans? Should Christians view the cloning of animals differently than humans?
Eugenics, the sterilization of those considered “unfit,” is the logical conclusion when applying the principles of survival-of-the-fittest Darwinian evolution.
What is euthanasia, and what does the Bible teach about it? Is euthanasia ever the right choice?
Tragically, the news is often busy reporting another mass shooting at a school, mall, or even a church. What causes these man-made disasters?
A stage-by-stage overview of the development of an unborn human being, beginning with fertilization and ending at birth.
Do the potential benefits of embryonic stem cell research justify the destruction of human life? Or is there a viable alternative?
If you now search abortion on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website, you will be prompted to “try also: adoption.”
A 74-year-old Scottish woman was arrested for silently standing outside the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital with a sign.
When it comes to people with disabilities, Christians need to rethink what it means to be “fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Developmental biology is one of the most awesome biological disciplines to display the glory of God and the immeasurable value of human life.
You’ve had an abortion. You’ve worked in an abortion clinic. You were the abortion doctor. Whatever the case, you might wonder if God can forgive you.
If this future “baby doctor” (OBGYN) can’t kill babies—all the way up to full term—she says she won’t stay in the state and practice medicine.
What help and hope can we offer to family members and friends who seek death by suicide? Why and how must we promote life? We turn to the Bible for answers.
As the secularized culture attempts to strip healthcare of religion, let us commit to Christlike compassion.
Only a biblical worldview gives a solid foundation for defending the unborn.
If humans do not uniquely bear God’s image, are we uniquely valuable?
We can learn vital lessons on the value of life from those with special needs.
How can some people argue that the Bible explicitly teaches life doesn’t begin until after birth, when the baby takes his or her first breath of air?
How should pro-life people think about disabled and dying babies?
With the recent reversal of Roe v. Wade, some have predicated higher crime rates in 15–20 years. Should we expect this to happen?
What is the biblical response to complicated medical situations in pregnancy?
Is abortion a moral choice in horrific cases such as rape, incest, and abuse?
A viral Facebook post highlights several instances where a woman might seek an abortion. We respond.
One argument that has surfaced in the pro-abortion camp is the unborn baby in the womb is merely a parasite, taking what it needs at the expense of the mother.
A baby is usually born during gestational weeks 38–40 amid many complex and miraculous developmental changes to the baby . . . and the mother.
How the unborn baby develops in the last stage of pregnancy, is protected by the mother’s immune system, and is nourished by the placenta until birth
Hair becomes visible, lungs continue to form, and most babies can live outside the womb with significant care in this week of life in an unborn child.
What we know about an unborn baby’s head, body, skin, hair, weight, hearing, and movement 21 weeks after fertilization.
At the halfway point of the pregnancy, the baby’s sex is visible by ultrasound and he or she is at least partially protected from murder in the womb.
At 11 weeks, the unborn baby is only about 1.6 inches and is already moving and kicking, demonstrating amazing and rapid development in the womb.
By nine weeks of life (11 weeks gestational age), a baby has developed arms and legs (with individual fingers and toes), which he or she can begin to move.
At eight weeks gestation, the baby is growing more noticeably and has developed a sense of touch–a sign of intricate design and the blessing of a new life.
The human embryo begins to show intricate features, including a regular heart rhythm on day 28 of development that points to the careful design of a Creator.
At less than 0.5 cm long, the tiny baby is growing rapidly and has three “layers,” which are the groundwork for further development.
Just three weeks after fertilization, the tiny unborn baby’s brain, spinal cord, and other organs begin to form, demonstrating early complex development.
How we know human life begins at fertilization, as the Bible affirms, and the cultural consequences of ignoring the facts.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.