The increasing anti-Christian attacks in America should be a warning to the church that the chasm is widening between what is Christian and what is not in this nation. If those who are on God’s side stand their ground on His Word without compromise, then they may face persecution in various forms.
My challenge to all of us is this: are we all prepared to be the Christian “heroes” God wants us to be, and stand our ground, regardless of how the culture may mock and attack us.
Scientists’ religious views are not reflective of the public’s. While 83 percent of the public believe in God, only 33 percent of scientists do. Only 17 percent of the public consider themselves atheist, agnostic, or “nothing in particular,” compared to 48 percent of scientists.
Protestant nations are losing their biblical foundation and have more in common with the pagan Athenians of Acts 17 than the Jews of Acts 2. As Christians engage a variety of culture and ethnic groups unfamiliar with Old Testament history, evangelism in these nations is not as straightforward as it once was.
The once-solid Christian foundations of America are swiftly crumbling to the ground as we move away from God’s Word and plant ourselves on man’s word.
It’s hard to believe, but according to a new study, 1 in 10 “American Protestant Churchgoers” (11%) can’t answer what Bible accounts occurred in which Testament.
Tech mogul Elon Musk recently said he’s a “cultural Christian.” What does that mean?
Why do secularists push so hard for LGBTQ-themed books in school libraries, drag queen story hours, and LGBTQ characters in children’s content?
As we look around at the shambles of Western civilization, a question seems to be on everyone’s mind: What happened?
Genesis 1:27 says God made them “male and female.” People can’t wish away this fundamental physical reality—and that’s a good thing.
How a mostly-forgotten figure influenced how we think about evolution.
In the US, most Christians are at least vaguely aware that the public school system is hostile to Christianity. What most probably do not know is how openly Marxist and occult the school system is.
No matter where you minister, the standard for truth is the same—God’s Word.
Language is more than just symbols and sounds. It is a gift from God that lies beneath the reality of creation.
We can point others to the friend of sinners, Jesus Christ. Though other relationships may disappoint, he is a friend who stays closer than a brother.
God’s Word is clear about the order of creation in Genesis 1. Rearranging those events undermines the very authority of God’s Word.
Nostalgia has its place, but we must keep a proper perspective of the past.
As our loved ones walk through the valley of death, how do we endure to find joy at God’s table of grace?
As LGBTQ+ advocates target children with their agenda by pushing into school systems worldwide, they’re meeting pushback.
Our Creator’s generosity should inspire us to give creatively.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.