Numerous causes for dinosaur extinction have been proposed. Some have suggested gradual extinction. Others argue for a catastrophic cause. How do creation scientists explain the disappearance of dinosaurs from the fossil record above the Cretaceous layer?
The idea has been ingrained in our consciousness tha dinosaurs died out because a large asteroid or comet hit the earth some 65 million years ago. But the theory has some problems.
Those who suggest the Mexican meteorite triggered events resulting in mass extinctions presume the meteorite caused catastrophes such as sun-blocking seismic fallout and unprecedented volcanic activity. The models supporting this scenario, however, were not based on a realistic model of the earth.
When you see a headline like this one, “Humans’ ancestors survived the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs,” what do you picture as a “human ancestor”?
In a yet-to-be-published study, researchers claim they’ve discovered minuscule bits of the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.
The news has been buzzing recently with headlines such as this one from New Scientist, “Incredible fossil find may be first victims of dino-killer asteroid.”
Did this 7.5-mile-wide asteroid really kill off the dinosaurs as secular scientists claim?
Secular geologists attribute cluster of dinosaur tracks to a “dinosaur disco” and that sauropods spent time in the water. But what does the evidence say?
The observational evidence of this Alaskan dinosaur graveyard fits much better with the Biblical account of the Global Flood.
Paleontologists have long wondered why dinosaurs are sparse in the Late Triassic rock layers of the presumed tropics of that supposed time.
Massive volcanism correlated with the onset of the end-Triassic mass extinction, evolutionary geochronologists find.
Dinosaur demise now confidently blamed on Chicxulub asteroid, study claims.
Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., responds to a reader who wondered why God would have “Moses” save the dinosaurs on the ark.
Were dinosaurs an endangered species before the K-T disaster? Enquiring minds want to know.
Big dinosaurs won the battle but lost the war, and the real winners took to the skies.
Media frenzy triggered by threat of dinosaurian aliens.
New evidence suggests a mass extinction that was produced by a drastic change in ocean conditions.
Dunking dead chickens delivers dinosaur death secret.
Sauropod sojourns or enamel of evacuation?
Move over, mass extinction meteorite, says new model.
Asteroid cleared of charges, but search continues for another cosmic culprit.
Closing in on the K-T boundary.
A 41-member science panel has arrived at a verdict: an asteroid impact killed off the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago.
Did the catastrophic impact of a large comet or asteroid caused the extinction of dinosaurs?
While the well-known tale is that one kind of catastrophe drove the dinosaurs extinct, new research suggests another kind of catastrophe may have given them a leg up.
“Confirmation” that a meteorite impact killed the dinosaurs has come in the form of panel consensus at the recent Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
The line in the sand—or sediment, as the case may be—that supposedly marks the end of the dinosaurs did not mark the end of marine life.
Recent discoveries raise new doubts that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs.
The widely taught model of dinosaur extinction doesn’t line up with the latest fossil findings.
A cocktail of environmental changes initiated by watery catastrophe doomed the dinosaurs, reports LiveScience on research published in Nature Geosciences.
An asteroidal collision is what ultimately doomed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, reports BBC.
Veterinarian-turned-paleontologist Cynthia Marshall Faux has a new hypothesis to explain the “often” awkward positions of fossilized dinosaurs. Faux and a colleague say brain damage and suffocation are likely culprits.
Evolutionary scientists have proclaimed for years that the dinosaurs died out at the end of the Cretaceous, exactly 65 million years ago. This date has been considered an evolutionary fact of nature.
New York Times has announced the latest variant on the ‘dinosaur demise’ theory. ‘New Theory on Dinosaurs: Multiple Meteorites Did Them In.’
Creationists are well aware that rocks are often dated by the fossils they contain.
Dinosaur extinction is still a major enigma of earth history. In this review article, extinctions in the geological record will be briefly mentioned.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.