Feedback: Were fossils created ex nihilo during Creation Week?
In this article I provide a sampling of the arguments used by Drs. Ankerberg, Ross, and Kaiser along with my commentary.
Besides taking back the scientific disciplines of astronomy, biology, geology, archaeology, etc. which have been captured by the godless evolutionary worldview, we also need to take back theology.
For eleven days Dr. Mortenson had the privilege of presenting the truths of creation in Russia, a huge country of 11 time zones and 140 million people.
The order of events of creation recorded in Genesis 1 contradicts (at very many points) the order of events according to the evolution story.
“Why is Adam translated either man or mankind and not Adam?”
I have written a critique of statements made by Dr. William Dembski, who commented on President George Bush’s recent statement about ID and public schools.
The claims of evolutionists and some old-earth creationists that young-earth creationists don't have real degrees and don't do real scientific research that can be published are simply not true.
Imagine my shock! The president of a Christian college (where I was speaking) was an eyewitness of the story he shared with me at lunch a few weeks ago.
Australian scientists announced in February the discovery of dozens of fossilized sea turtles that they say have exciting implications for evolution.
Many Christians do not understand the stranglehold that philosophical naturalism has on geology and astronomy.
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the 19th century: part 12. George Young
The 33-page cover story of the November issue of National Geographic asks the question, “Was Darwin wrong?” The magazine surprised no one with their confident answer, “No!”
Respected Christian apologists Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. Norman Geisler have launched another attack on young-earth creationism.
When confronted with what the Bible says about origins, many Christians have argued that God could not have communicated that He created in this manner to people in a pre-scientific age.
British scriptural geologists in nineteenth century 11: John Murray
Nothing is known of Fowler De Johnsone apart from the words of his book addressed to William Buckland in 1838.
AiG has a multi-pronged strategy for calling the church back to the truth of Genesis. One aspect of this speaking in venues of Christian higher education, including the Evangelical Theological Society
The Creation Science Fellowship has been organizing and hosting the International Conference on Creationism about every four years since 1986.
Almost everyone living today takes for granted that the universe and earth are billions of years old.
This is the 8th year that AiG has been able to distribute resources at the National Education Association's (NEA) annual meeting.
Terry Mortenson talks about the upcoming outreach at the boothof the 'Creation Science Educators Caucus' at the 2003 National Educators Associatioin.
Bulgarians have been brainwashed for decades with the lie of evolution and millions of years. Surely, science has proven that the Bible is full of mythology, most Bulgarians think.
In 1838, James M. Brown wrote a 56-page pamphlet entitled Reflections on Geology, in which he critiqued the geological views of William Buckland and John Pye Smith.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.