Disney’s Earth does what few mainstream movies on the natural world dare do: avoid any mention of evolution or millions of years. But is it worth seeing?
Did Jesus tell His disciples to take a staff? Or did He tell them to leave them behind?
If God never changes, then how can He change His mind?
How could Ahaziah be both 22 years old and 42 years old when he started to reign?
If Jesus is God’s “only begotten Son,” then how can angels and Christians also be God’s sons?
In Genesis 6:3, did God erroneously say that he would limit humans to 120 years?
Was Jesus wrong in Matthew 13:31–32 when He said that the mustard seed was the “least of all the seeds”?
You flooded us with email about our first-ever VBS, Amazon Expedition. Stacia McKeever, AiG-U.S., wants you to know that we heard you and to announce the VBS for 2009. Get ready to launch.
Should we keep our children from being exposed to evolutionary ideas? Stacia McKeever, AiG–U.S., shows how we can use such opportunities to teach discernment.
With a biblical framework in place, we can teach our children how the Bible explains the world around us.
Stacia McKeever reviews both the book and the movie, Golden Compass.
Although much more can be done, I praise the Lord that the number, quality, and variety of materials produced by creation-oriented ministries around the world continue to increase dramatically.
Most people look at the Bible as a book that contains many interesting stories and theological teaching. While this is true, the Bible is so much more!
Joe Taylor is the owner and curator of the Mt Blanco Fossil Museum and is known as one of the foremost fossil restorationists. Yet, Joe Taylor is also a creationist!
Answers in Genesis is excited to hear how the Lord is raising up people all around the world, including Peru, to proclaim the message that God’s Word is true from the beginning.
It’s important that we allow God’s written record of history, the Bible, to guide our thinking about the past—this includes our understanding of the age of the Earth/universe and the fossils.
Many people say the Earth has been around for about 4.6 billion years. They believe humans appeared on Earth only within the last two million years. What's the truth?
For over two years, visitors to answersingenesis.org have enjoyed a laugh (and received biblically sound teaching) on Mondays when a new After Eden debuts.
AiG receives numerous requests from students wanting to know how they can train to be “creation scientists.” We usually offer the following guidelines to these enquiring minds:
Whichever school and desired field of study you choose, keep in mind that the facts (or “evidence”) you hear about do not speak for themselves.
So, why do we believe that, according to Genesis 1, God created in six normal-length days?
Jefferson High School (in Indiana, USA) has a penchant for making the news.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.