The tripod fish, which is challenging to evolutionists, is a truly unique creature that exhibits remarkable evidence of God’s hand in his creation.
2018 was a busy year for biology. We covered many of these events on Answers News or our website to equip the church to answer the questions of our day.
It’s commonly assumed that mutations associated with genetic diseases and cancers occur because they disrupted otherwise ordered proteins, but is this the case?
Evolutionists have serious problems with interspecific animal adoptions, while creationists are in a much better position when it comes to discussing the topic.
What many people may not know is how the cleaning relationship exhibited by the cleaner wrasses demonstrates God’s design, even in the post-fall world.
Ichthyosaurus is well studied, and research on their skeletons has provided evidence for incredible design and the global flood.
This article brings a study of African mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) differences and discussed how it supports the young earth creation model.
“If God saw that all he had made was ‘good,’ then wouldn’t the forbidden tree and its fruit be deemed ‘good’ as well?”
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.