Latest Articles by Prof. Andy McIntosh

  • Sept. 6, 2019

    The way the human voice works is a marvel of acoustic engineering. Each person’s voice reflects the way that the original sound is produced at the vocal cords.

  • Feb. 23, 2017

    Richard Dawkins sought to justify an idea of gradually producing flight, but showed little understanding of the engineering principles involved in aerodynamics.

  • What Is the Scriptural Understanding of Death?
    May 23, 2016

    Some who believe in theistic evolution teach incorrectly that it was only spiritual death that came as a result of the Fall. We need to understand Genesis 2:17.

  • Utah’s Testimony to Catastrophe
    May 8, 2007

    In July 2006 I had the privilege of visiting Utah and wandering through some of the amazing geological formations there.

  • Feedback Article
    Just Add Energy?
    March 16, 2007 from Feedback

    We received this critical email concerning the article “Just add energy …”, authored by Dr. Andy McIntosh.

  • The Awesomeness of Death
    Sept. 20, 2005

    The atheist has no meaningful answer to death and the suffering that often darkens this deep valley.

  • Liberalism in Evangelical Garb
    June 1, 2004

    My purpose in writing is to warn readers of books which appear to be evangelical but are not.

  • Magazine Article
    100 Years of Airplanes—But These Weren’t the First Flying Machines!
    Dec. 1, 2003, pp. 44–48

    In 1853, Sir George Cayley designed the world’s first person-carrying triplane glider. With his somewhat frightened coachman aboard, it successfully flew across his estate.

  • Book Chapter
    Andrew McIntosh, Mathematics
    Jan. 1, 2001 from In Six Days

    As a scientist, I look at the world around me, and observe engineering mechanisms of such remarkable complexity that I am drawn to the conclusion of intelligent design being behind such complex order.

  • Research Paper
    McIntosh, Taylor and Edmondson Reply to Flood Models
    Dec. 1, 2000, pp. 80–82

    From our perspective, the fossil record into the Cretaceous and further, testifies strongly to God's act of judgment on this world.

  • Research Paper
    A Different View of the Universe
    Dec. 1, 2000, pp. 46–50

    A review of Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies by Halton Arp and Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science by Halton Arp

  • Research Paper
    Genesis and Catastrophe
    April 1, 2000, pp. 101–109

    While there may have been some localised post-Flood disasters, the sedimentary deposits of a continental scale can only have been deposited by the Flood.

  • Research Paper
    Flood Models: The Need for an Integrated Approach
    April 1, 2000, pp. 52–59

    Any scientific understanding of the Biblical Flood must address the hydrology and sedimentation that occurred during the Flood and in subsequent years as the Earth settled down.


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