Because of the enormous explanatory and predictive success of the plate tectonics model, we feel that at least some portion of plate tectonics theory should be incorporated into the creation model.
PDF DownloadDinosaur footprints create an apparent dilemma for creationists. How could they ever be made and fossilized during the Flood?
Dr. Andrew Snelling, AiG–U.S., explains how to deal with refutations of creationist material
Once you understand the basic science of radiometric dating, you can see how wrong assumptions lead to incorrect dates.
Today we see the effects of weathering and erosion all around us. But where is the evidence of millions of years between rock layers?
Dr. Andrew Snelling, AiG–U.S., gives a young earth creation explanation of the formation of beaches and other sands.
Of the two styles of metamorphism, contact and regional, the latter is most often used to argue against the young-earth creation-Flood model.
PDF DownloadWe find thick layers of sandstone around the earth. Where did it come from?
PDF DownloadThe May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helens in the state of Washington is regarded by many as the most significant geologic event of the twentieth century.
Answers Research Journal began on January 9, 2008, with much controversy. Three volumes later, hundreds of thousands of visitors have learned how true science testifies to God’s glory.
The pattern in the discordances may provide clues into the physics responsible for time variations in the decay process.
PDF DownloadDoes radiometric dating show that rocks are millions of years old? No!
Dr. Andrew Snelling, AiG–U.S., helps a fellow Aussie understand some of the tough aspects of the Flood and how science works from a biblical point of view.
The Somerset Dam layered mafic intrusion in southeast Queensland, Australia, has been conventionally dated as Late Triassic by the apparently successful application of radioisotopic dating techniques.
PDF DownloadAs a Christian, I am thoroughly enthralled when exploring the world created by our Savior. As a scientist, I see so many mysteries yet to be solved.
Only changing radioisotope decay rates in the past could account for these discordant isochron ‘ages’ for the same geologic event
PDF DownloadFor more than twenty years it has been known that the Rb-Sr and K-Ar systems give discordant ‘ages’ for Cardenas Basalt and associated Proterozoic diabase sills and dikes of Grand Canyon.
PDF DownloadMt. Ngauruhoe in the Taupo Volcanic Zone of New Zealand erupted andesite lava flows in 1949 and 1954, and avalanche deposits in 1975.
PDF DownloadMt. Ngauruhoe is an andesite stratovolcano, rising above the Tongariro volcanic massif within the Tongariro Volcanic Center of the Taupo Volcanic Zone.
PDF DownloadAs with other isochron methods, the U-Pb isochron method has been questioned in the open literature.
PDF DownloadWe offer an explanation for the radiohalos and for the “tubes” in these diamonds in terms of a hydrothermal fluid transport model for Po radiohalo formation.
PDF DownloadThe Cooma granodiorite was generated as a consequence of the regional metamorphism that resulted from the catastrophic large-scale emplacement during the catastrophic plate tectonics of the Flood.
PDF DownloadThe Po radiohalos and other evidence associated with this granite thus remove objections to Flood geology and any need to place the Flood/post-Flood boundary in the lower Carboniferous.
PDF DownloadThe origin and significance of radiohalos have been debated for almost a century, perhaps largely because their geological distribution has been poorly understood.
PDF DownloadAnswers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.