Carpenter ant colonies evade zombie apocalypse because only the climbing dead become weapons of mass dispersion.
Germophobes beware: a new study suggests that all adults have face mites. But did they follow us through evolutionary history?
“Evolving room for the brain to grow” was a good story, but even for evolutionists it doesn’t hold water anymore.
Navigating Genesis is, sadly, a tool for steering the uninformed into a shipwreck of faith, not for removing stumbling blocks as Dr. Ross claims.
Evolution explains neither the peacock’s beauty nor its aerodynamic efficiency.
Human faces evolved to vary as much as Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, evolutionists say.
Dr. Hugh Ross wrings “reasons to believe” out of God’s Word, not by simply reading what’s there, but by twisting and distorting it.
With mice and men, practice makes perfect, but a mouse with a man’s FOXp2 gene achieves perfection faster.
Animals were flexing their muscles even “before” the Cambrian Explosion.
Did caffeine evolve again and again or did our Common Designer provide many plants with the genes to make it?
“The Science Guy” believes being educated to believe in evolution is equivalent to math and literacy and learning the alphabet.
Massive Dreadnoughtus said to shed light on the evolution of gigantism.
Surprising evolutionists but not biblical creationists, scientists have discovered an additional layer of information in DNA.
Will fish out of water evolve?
Nobel laureates petition Scottish government to prohibit teachers from presenting creation science as alternative to evolutionism.
Most birds are blind to sweets. But hummingbirds are experts at telling what is sweet and even fending off fakes.
Crazy-looking fossil’s evolutionary descendants are crawling around in the tropics, evolutionists say.
Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey host wonders why Answers in Genesis critiqued his series and why anyone cares.
Zonkeys attest to the variations possible within the “horse kind.”
The “superorganism” that you are testifies to the superlative wisdom of our Creator God.
Natural Trap Cave preserves a treasure trove of animals from the Ice Age until the 1970s.
Neanderthal labyrinth in non-Neanderthal fossil hints at maze of post-Babel migrations.
Indonesia’s Flores Island was probably populated not by a Lilliputian human species but just ordinary people including a person with Down syndrome.
In the twilight zone, bright sharks know how to hide in the light.
Uner Tan syndrome does not harbor the evolutionary “how” of human bipedality.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.