Atheist Richard Dawkins claims that teaching children to accept their families’ religious beliefs is child abuse. He considers this form of “abuse” to be more devastatingly and permanently harmful than sexual abuse. In truth, even the atheistic belief that there is no God is a religion.
If someone stabs you in the back, treats you like nothing, steals from you, or lies to you, it doesn’t ultimately matter in an atheistic worldview where everything and everyone are just chemical reactions doing what chemicals do
The fact that atheists even bother to congregate to discuss the meaning of life shows just how desperately human beings need the true God. Even when we try to remove God from our lives, we are compelled to fill the void with some other religion. And atheism is undeniably a religious position.
“I know there’s no God. And one polite person living his life right doesn’t change that.” How about two, three, maybe four people living right? What if every Christian exuded this type of concern?
The natural implications of evolutionary biology include atheism and meaninglessness, according to Cornell professor.
Former atheist regrets mocking Christianity.
Atheists believe that religion should be kept out of public places. But what if atheistic humanism is a religion, too?
Dawkins and Krauss seem to want to redesign the world and society for the rest of us according to their own vision, making certain that God is written out of the picture.
In major cities around the English-speaking world, people gather under the guise of church, but they have one distinct purpose: to have fellowship without God.
Nature reveals so much more about God’s character than a few hints we might easily overlook.
A slew of prominent atheists is pointedly attacking the foundations of Christianity and winning new followers. Are you prepared to counter their claims?
While the American Atheists are running their conference in Cincinnati in April 2019, we’ve decided to hold our own conference in the Answers Center of the Ark Encounter.
Even atheists admit that people who err about origins aren’t necessarily “ignorant, stupid, or insane.” There is a fourth option.
How should you respond as a faithful witness for Christ when in a gospel-oriented conversation with an atheist?
The media are abuzz with evidence of a rapidly rising number of nonbelievers. But are there any true atheists?
By embracing materialism, the atheist has destroyed the possibility of knowledge, as well as science and technology.
PDF DownloadOf particular concern is question 19 on the Australian census form, which is the only optional question and is the religious identity question.
If God doesn’t exist—and life has no ultimate meaning—why do atheists get passionate when it comes to fighting biblical Christianity?
God’s Word uses war terminology to illustrate the spiritual war around us. One clear example of atheist propaganda in this battle involves billboards.
How ironic that people are turning for answers to a religion whose logical conclusion is that life is ultimately meaningless.
A recent video featuring a number of very intolerant atheists (and some are hateful and angry) is a must watch for all Christians!
Atheist Richard Dawkins claims that teaching children to accept their families’ religious beliefs is child abuse.
A Christian K–12 school in South Carolina, with dedicated and highly qualified Christian teachers, has come under vicious attack by atheists.
Nathan Ham responds to an email that accuses us of being stupid, lazy, unscientific, and morons for believing in a young earth and the existence of God.
In today’s culture, the atheistic worldview is being pushed not only to adults, but also to our children.
Two days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City in 2001, a worker at the rubble of Ground Zero made an inspiring discovery.
Times Square billboard declares “Keep the MERRY!” while portraying Christ’s crucifixion with the words “Dump the MYTH.”
We appreciate opportunities to engage our detractors in meaningful dialogue. Mark Looy, AiG–U.S., responds to an atheist’s response to our previous feedback article.
Atheists offended by a cross-shaped artifact seek to “protect” people from the full story of 9/11.
A famous atheist passed into eternity just before Christmas.
“Reason Rally” to celebrate atheism and godlessness.
Famed philosopher and physicist Dr. Stephen Hawking recently appeared on a widely watched television program “Did God Create the Universe?” Hawking’s answer—unsurprisingly—is in the negative. Instead, he declared that the universe is best explained entirely by the laws of physics; no God needed.
Once an atheist, God opened his eyes through his scientific research so that he now firmly believes in intelligent design and a Creator God.
The Passing of a Well-Known Atheist
Locals lose in lottery to atheist outsiders
Survey of atheist scientists asks why they go to church
In a story that reveals just one of the many dark consequences of extracting the Bible from culture and supposed reality, we learn about pastors who no longer believe in God.
If you’re religious, science isn’t for you—and vice versa, according to evolutionary biologist (and staunch creationist critic) Jerry Coyne.
In The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking and coauthor Leonard Mlodinow lay out the case for a universe that began without any divine spark—one step beyond even those who accept the big bang but see it as God’s handiwork. To the authors, the big bang was the unavoidable result of the laws of physics at work.
When faced with the mocking rants of atheists and God-haters, our natural temptation is to dismiss them as ignorant bigots or to get angry. But that’s not Christ’s way.
If there is no God, as these leading atheists aggressively proclaim, then there is no absolute standard for morality and it would be foolish to say something is right or wrong.
An atheist claims that if God exists He wouldn’t need an ad campaign. Jeremy Ham, AiG–U.S., shows that the true God of the Bible needs no other proof than what He already gave us.
Over the next few days in my homeland of Australia, atheists are converging from around the world in the city of Melbourne for what many of the organizers are calling a “celebration of atheism.”
Richard Dawkins is writing a book for young people, as he seeks to indoctrinate them into a worldview of meaninglessness.
Ask the wrong question; get the wrong answers.
You can be ready to evangelize an atheist.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.