Theistic evolution is the idea that God started or directed evolutionary processes. This view makes God a bumbling, incompetent Creator and the author of death and suffering as it puts them before mankind’s sin. It calls into question the truth of God’s Word and his character as an all-powerful, loving God.
The essence of theistic evolution is “God started it all and he is still watching over his creation.” Regardless of any good intentions, theistic evolutionists twist Scripture and weaken the fabric of biblical doctrine.
In theistic evolution, the Bible is regarded as a collection of documents which partially contains God’s Word. The Bible thus contains no authoritative, binding truths, but must be freshly interpreted and corrected for every era and in every situation.
Christians who adopt evolution are inconsistent because they are accepting the foundation of the humanistic worldviews. Essentially, they are telling God that they believe Him when He told us about the Virgin Birth, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Christ, but they do not trust Him when He tells us about how He created the world.
Some respected Christian leaders, famous for defending the fundamentals of the faith against compromise, were guilty of their own compromise. None of us, including any particular scholar (no matter how respected he is), or even the majority of scholars or Christians, can be the final authority for determining truth. God’s Word must be the authority.
Does belief in biological evolution, a process characterized by death and bloodshed, question the holy and good character of the God of the Bible?
Many Christians try to fit millions of years and evolution into the biblical text. This compromise does great damage to the authority of the Bible.
The idea that God created a young earth that looked old has insurmountable problems.
There’s been an explosion in the intensity of the conversation regarding the creation/evolution debate in the last few years—but not where one might expect.
Using science to enhance living standards in a fallen world is a practical and biblical concept. However, there are limits.
BioLogos wants Christians to approach heretical ideas not as an example of heresy, but “with an open mind,” which means they are a false teaching organization.
BioLogos vs. the Bible on creation, Noah’s flood, Adam and Eve, and why this so-called “Christian” ministry cannot be trusted
BioLogos vs. the Bible on creation, Noah’s flood, Adam and Eve, and why this so-called “Christian” ministry cannot be trusted
Some respected Christian leaders, famous for defending the fundamentals of the faith against compromise, were guilty of their own compromise.
Compromise on Genesis (particularly with Christians who add millions of years into the Bible) has had a devastating impact on how this generation views the Bible.
Because of his human nature, questions are raised about Jesus’ beliefs concerning certain events in Scripture, such as creation.
Over the past two hundred years, many different positions regarding the creation account of Genesis have arisen in the Church.
The thrust of BioLogos is not in accord with the biblical doctrines of Christianity; thus it is in reality from the spirit of anti-Christ. Church, be warned!
BioLogos is using millions of dollars of grant money from the John Templeton Foundation to present an evolutionary understanding of God’s creation.
It isn’t a matter of what God could have done but rather a matter of what God said He did.
There is an unbridgeable chasm between theistic evolution and the biblical doctrine of creation.
BioLogos begs pastors to build their churches on a “BioLogos narrative” of compromise instead of the unchanging Word of God.
The newest effort by BioLogos to blend creation and evolution has taken the evangelical world by storm. But at what cost?
This chart illustrates how BioLogos is creating confusion about science and undermining biblical truth.
Is there an ever-widening canyon between scientific intellectualism and the Christian faith? Is theistic evolution a legitimate way to bridge that gap? Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., explains.
WORLD editor-in-chief Marvin Olasky asks, “Should we hug evolution to further evangelism?”
To USA Today, at least, it’s hot news: dissension within evangelical ranks over evolution. To us, it’s just one sad result of compromise.
Time magazine offers a frustrating report revealing biblical illiteracy and Christian compromise.
The prestigious Templeton Prize, which honors progress in our understanding of “spiritual realities,” was recently given to a Catholic priest who denies intelligent design.
The private religious thoughts of the world’s most famous genius were up for sale this week in a London auction.
It seems one of evolutionary theory’s biggest defenders, biologist Ken Miller, has come around to AiG’s point of view. At least, that’s one way to look at his recent comments!
Paul Taylor recently debated Michael Weekes, a theistic evolutionist, on a radio program. Weekes attempted to cover his weak theology and lack of scientific knowledge with inflammatory rhetoric.
For the first time in his papacy, Pope Benedict has “elaborat[ed] his views” on human origins.
The idea of evolution is a faith-based teaching that has infiltrated even the most reputable of Christian colleges, ministries and organizations.
On October 26, Brown University biology professor Dr. Kenneth Miller, the Catholic, evolutionist author of the compromising book Finding Darwin’s God, visited Cincinnati, Ohio.
According to Lord Bertram Russell if human beings do not kill each other through wars, they will probably die of starvation or disease.
Some of America’s best-known evolutionists assembled recently at “Evolution and God—150 years of love and war between science and religion,” a major conference held in Cleveland, Ohio.
Theistic evolution is a significant threat to the Christian church. It undermines the very foundation of the Christian faith and causes people to doubt the truth of Scripture.
ohn C. Polkinghorne, a British mathematical physicist who resigned his professorship in 1979 to become an Anglican priest, is the winner of the 2002 Templeton Prize.
Bishop John Shelby Spong is well known for attacking almost every Christian doctrine he swore in his ordination vows to uphold, e.g. God as sovereign Creator, the Incarnation, Virginal Conception and
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. It is used in the Bible to denote ‘beginning,’ as it is in Revelation 1:8: ‘I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord….’
The only distinction between 'Theistic' and naturalistic evolution is the empty theological language attached in the former case-making no more difference than an invisible horse to a tractor.
The historical background to the almost unimaginably brutal massacres in Rwanda is considerably complex, but was at least somewhat promulgated by theistic evolutionism.
Faith shipwrecked by compromising ‘Christian’ colleges; restored by Answers in Genesis
If you're a theistic evolutionist, here's a problem for you to consider. It's called the future.
I am a young Christian and biologist, currently studying zoology and microbiology, who has been closely watching the Creation\Evolution debate with ever widening eyes for the last few years now
Theistic evolution is a serious departure from the historic Christian faith, representing a grave threat to the spiritual well-being of God’s people and the effectiveness of their mission.
When you walk into the university department of the Royal Children’s Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, the portrait on the wall is that of a figure well-known in creation science circles...
In this system God is not the omnipotent Lord of all things, whose Word has to be taken seriously by all men, but He is integrated into the evolutionary philosophy.
It is a shame that Christians are divided on the issue of origins. Let me suggest a reason why they are.
Former United States politician William Jennings Bryan speaks out about theistic evolution.
Evolution and Christianity are simply incompatible.
One can be a Christian and an evolutionist, but such a position is both scientifically and biblically untenable. The Lord Jesus took a literal view of Genesis.
The position of the theistic evolutionist is common, yet it is perhaps the most difficult to justify.
Many people believe that they can add evolution to the Bible. They think that by doing this they can explain life coming about as a result of God’s use of evolutionary processes.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.