Whether the Flood of Noah was global or local in extent is a crucial question. This is because ultimately what is at stake is the authority of all of God's Word.
In the depths of the world’s ocean, catastrophe struck. The seafloor suddenly broke open in the middle, while the edges began diving into the mantle below. The crack in the seafloor spread around the globe.
A final evidence of the universal extent of the Flood is the Rainbow Covenant. Not only does it confirm the supernatural uniqueness of this global catastrophe, it proves its universality. This divine promise was made to the earth itself.
It would have been during such periods of exposure that dinosaurs, for example, walked across such exposed surfaces and left behind their footprints, which were then buried and fossilized when the water levels rose and brought new sediments in.
The Roman pontiff warns the world another “great flood” is coming, “perhaps due” to climate change while ignoring the clear teaching of God’s Word.
If there really was a catastrophic global Flood as described in Genesis, there should be global evidence left behind. How well does this match up with reality?
The earth is scarred with evidence of the worldwide flood in Genesis.
The biogeographic importance of log and vegetation mats is slowly gaining popularity, even in the mainstream scientific community.
What evidence do we see that a global Flood devastated the earth’s surface during Noah’s day—on a scale unlike anything we see today?
Did the Flood really happen? Or is it a myth? Was it global? Or was it a local flood described in hyperbole? Was it a peaceful flood? And does it matter anyway?
Noah’s Ark and the great Flood are taken as “fairy tales” by most Christians today, but Scripture tells us of God’s judgment upon the antediluvian world.
This is ultimately about the authority of God’s Word, which plainly teaches that the Flood of Noah was global in extent.
Regional flood around the Black Sea was not the biblical global Flood.
Horseshoe crab’s death march into the pages of history is consistent with the Genesis account of the global Flood.
If they are to be consistent, old-earth creationists are forced to believe in a local flood. Can they provide adequate responses to the prosecution’s case?
Often overlooked in the debate between old-earth creationists and young-earth creationists is the biblical account of the Flood.
Dr. John Whitcomb, speaking at the upcoming Answers for Pastors conference, discusses the importance of a global Flood to a proper understanding of Genesis.
Dr. Andrew Snelling, AiG–U.S., helps a fellow Aussie understand some of the tough aspects of the Flood and how science works from a biblical point of view.
God could not have been more clear in Genesis—this was a unique global catastrophic Flood, an act of divine judgment against a sinful world.
The secular press is acknowledging the Genesis Flood, though they only refer to a hypothesized local flood that doesn’t match the biblical account.
Those Christians who believe in evolution and/or millions of years destroy the fundamental nature of the Bible.
A well-known Presbyterian minister and author/editor in Australia has taken great offence at a recent article that promotes a worldwide Flood.
While there may have been some localised post-Flood disasters, the sedimentary deposits of a continental scale can only have been deposited by the Flood.
In a recent article from the Washington Post, explorer Robert Ballard (discoverer of the Titanic) led a team to the Black Sea in search of evidence for Noah’s Flood.
Until fairly modern times, people in Western countries have basically believed that the Bible was God's Word, and, by and large, believed what it said.
Not too long ago, a scientist who claims to believe the Bible and calls himself a creationist, came to the Institute for Creation Research to confront us with our error of teaching a recent creation.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.