The Bible records that, in the beginning (time), God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter). So the universe itself is a three-in-one of sorts, thereby reflecting its Maker. The logical, orderly way the universe behaves is also a reflection of the One who made it and sustains it by the word of His power.
What should be the reaction of Christians to “weird physics”? If a scientific model does not contradict the Bible, then we should be excited to see what new insights we can gain about the Creator and His workings. As with the question of origins, we must interpret the data through the lens of biblical revelation.
No experiment can prove how the universe formed because there is no way to verify for certain that the experiment matches the conditions at the beginning. The Standard Model of Particle Physics may or may not be correct about the Higgs boson but as Christians we still have confidence God is holding all things together (Colossians 1:16–17).
The Higgs boson, nicknamed the “God particle,” reveals nothing about the origin of the universe—but it does divulge secrets about how the universe operates.
Why Creationists Should Accept Special Relativity as Good Science.
The multiverse is the stuff of superhero stories. But some scientists think this comic-book cosmos could explain the origin of our universe.
There is a war going on between two groups of flat-earthers over the nature of light: is light a wave or a particle?
Time-lapse videos of the nighttime sky show God’s glory in creation.
When modern evolutionary physicists begin to connect the dots with abstract ideas that can’t be tested, even they are alarmed.
Two fundamental laws of physics clash if we try to explain the universe’s origin without a Creator.
Water conceals little-known, life-saving secrets. One of them is its ability to resist burning!
Some realities of nature are so common that we don’t even stop to ask why. Like round trees.
How can one type of crystal adopt so many beautiful forms? Some of the world’s greatest scientific minds have puzzled over this question.
We’ve always heard that oil and water don’t mix, but sometimes water and water don’t mix.
God clearly had people in mind when He designed this lowly plant with so many desirable qualities.
There are two directions of mathematical inquiry: it can either penetrate into the other sciences, or it can mind its own business.
The asymmetry between matter and antimatter is not a problem if God created the universe as Genesis 1 says that He did.
How do you make water flow upward? It’s not a problem if you’re the Creator of the universe.
Many Christians today embrace the big bang theory as an avenue for evangelism, but if big bang evangelism ever was effective, its window is rapidly closing.
Even a cat lapping milk displays the elegance of the Creator’s design!
Physicists applaud around the world as CERN scientists announce finding “the missing cornerstone of physics.”
In September 2011, researchers in Italy caused consternation among physicists worldwide when they claimed to detect neutrinos traveling faster than light.
Learn more about the strength of eggshells by conducting some experments.
The laws of physics are fine-tuned for life, exactly what we would expect if the universe were intelligently designed. So what’s the latest atheistic rebuttal?
History shows that scientific “truth” changes over time. The uncertainty is the reason why continued testing of our ideas is so important in science.
Try a complex fold based on the beech leaf that is used for maps.
The concept of energy plays such a central role in all of physics.
Space, time, and matter are all examples of “three-in-ones” in nature. Perhaps God created them in this fashion to declare His own triune nature.
Physics is a relatively “clean” science because it deals mostly with the world as it exists. Yet it has struggled to explain some weird experimental results.
We received this critical email concerning the article “Just add energy …”, authored by Dr. Andy McIntosh.
It would seem that this everyday gravity force should be one of the best understood concepts in science. However, just the opposite is true.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.