Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth. More about Answers in Genesis
Pastor Brian Pennell reinforced the truth that Genesis is the foundation of Christian doctrine and that evolution is not a proven scientific fact.
Tomorrow’s Forefathers, the Mally’s full-time ministry, was started to help equip families to be strong in the Lord, and the whole family is involved.
As a former radical Muslim who was heavily involved in the Iranian fundamentalist revolution, Daniel Shayesteh was once committed to exterminating Jews, Christians, and other “infidels.”
As you probably already know from reading our web articles, it's almost impossible for a creationist speaker to lecture in public schools on origins.
Two special young ladies in central Ohio who have so sacrificially supported AiG over the years have once again accomplished something outstanding to benefit the work of AiG.
In one sense, it is an attempt to correct some of the mistakes of my past. I have a burden for ministering to youth, and as a high school teacher I had the opportunity to influence many students.
The passing of a great defender of the Christian faith, Dr. Henry Morris, has closed a long chapter in the history of the fight over biblical authority and accuracy.
Bob and Jan Thompson
How did it happen? How did museums become the secular temples of our day?
Can you help “put God back in the science curriculum?” This is exactly what Dr. Jerry Layton, a former science teacher, was asked to do.
Nonbelievers regurlary question a Christian’s faith in their Creator and Redeemer. Being prepared to give an answer “for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15) takes preparation and careful study.
Regular visitors to the Answers in Genesis website will be the first to notice the modern new design launched on the homepage today.
We are happy to report that the long-awaited and much-asked-about Zoo Guide has been an AiG bestseller since its release in June.
It has been my burden to write a book that shows the layperson how the universe makes sense in light of what the Bible teaches about creation.
AiG WorldWide has just made arrangements for our 70th language translation. That’s 70 different languages!
A literal “sign of the times” is this billboard on I-35 just outside downtown Kansas City, Kansas, USA.
Vacation Bible School programs often attract neighborhood children and are unique avenues to reach families with the gospel, starting with Genesis.
Creation College 2 (CC2) is a week-long event featuring over 20 highly qualified speakers and designed to equip attendees to speak and write effectively on creation and biblical authority.
What do you do when your publication needs to secure the rights to an important photograph and your request gets denied—not just once, but by everyone who owns a copy?
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.