Christian Ministry

Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth. More about Answers in Genesis

  • From “Fish to Gish” . . . to a Fond Wish
    April 26, 2005

    Dr. Duane Gish has announced his retirement at the age of 84 as the senior vice president of the Institute for Creation Research.

  • A Great Man Passes Away
    April 5, 2005

    Harold "Alex" Alexander died in Anchorage, Alaska, USA on March 31.

  • Creation Consciousness
    March 15, 2005

    Part of the privilege I have in having Ken [AiG-USA president] as my older (much, much older!) brother, is that from a very young age I have come under his influence concerning God's Word.

  • The Riddle of Creation/Evolution
    Jan. 17, 2005

    AiG-USA is particularly happy to announce that Mike Riddle of Washington State is now coming on board as a full-time apologetics speaker.

  • ABC-TV’s “Nightline” Program and AiG
    Jan. 6, 2005

    AiG is still waiting to learn when ABC-TV Nightline's program that will feature AiG (and the future Creation Museum) is to be broadcast.

  • Creation Philanthropist Passes Away
    Dec. 10, 2004

    The Creation Research Society (CRS) has just posted to its website a significant news item, which announces the passing of a noteworthy supporter of creation research.

  • Completing the “Circuit”—Testimonies and Reflections on Pittsburgh’s AiG Conference
    Dec. 7, 2004

    After a year and a half of planning, the Answers in Genesis conference is history and today my well-worn file that reads “AiG” will be placed in CSF’s archive filing cabinet.

  • Magazine Article
    The Things that Are Not
    Dec. 1, 2004, pp. 14–17

    'I distinctly remember when I was infected with the microscope bug’, recalls research scientist Mark Armitage.

  • AiG Debates Leading Evolutionist on CNN!
    Nov. 30, 2004

    AiG-USA's newest scientist, astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle, appeared in his first live TV program yesterday … and it was a significant one.

  • Blanketing the Country with a Great Gift Idea
    Nov. 30, 2004

    Sarah and Elizabeth Garcia, twin daughters of Ignacio and Janis in central Ohio, have been brought up by their parents to serve others. In that spirit, they willingly handmade 115 beautiful quilts.

  • An Astronomical Leap in Creation
    Sept. 28, 2004

    An astrophysicist with a PhD from the University of Colorado at Boulder, Dr. Lisle will help AiG refute the evolutionary account of origins—using his strong science background.

  • Not an Every-Day Occupation!
    Sept. 10, 2004

    Building life-sized dinosaur models is not your typical full-time occupation!

  • Headin’ Down the Highway
    Aug. 27, 2004

    That was the riddle posed by a motorcyclist, just after he climbed off his motorcycle at the Creation Museum construction site after driving 550 miles from Georgia to Northern Kentucky.

  • Feedback Article
    Web Visitor Properly Discerns ‘Evolution-Slanted News Stories’ Thanks to AiG
    July 30, 2004 from Feedback

    You have done so much to give me principles by which I can evaluate the constant barrage of evolution-slanted news stories. Thanks!

  • Creation Trailblazer Passes Away
    July 13, 2004

    Walter Lang, the former head of the Bible-Science Association (BSA), passed away on Saturday to be in the presence of his Creator and Lord Jesus Christ.

  • In H.I.S. Service
    July 6, 2004

    It was a variation of ‘Buddy Davis meets the Muppets’ when a talented troupe from Texas USA put on a tremendous puppet program for the AiG–US staff last month.

  • AiG-US’s Most-Unusual Outreach Each Year!
    July 2, 2004

    For the ninth year, God has opened up an incredible opportunity for Answers in Genesis–US to distribute resources, free of charge, at the annual National Educators Association (NEA) convention.

  • Reality Roils The Matrix
    June 15, 2004

    A friend of Answers in Genesis wants to use the hype about The Matrix films to direct attention to the reality behind the all-prevailing myth of our day.

  • Feedback Article
    Email Signature Brings AiG Exposure
    June 4, 2004 from Feedback

    I have included your website as a signature when I send email, "Check out, it's one of my favorites!" That way everyone that I contact will get exposure to your organization.

  • She Touched Thousands of Lives!
    May 14, 2004

    The family and many friends of Jean Ruh are mourning yet celebrating her homegoing as she quietly passed away yesterday (13 May 2004).

  • Liberty University Honors AiG Speaker with Doctorate
    May 10, 2004

    AiG’s many speakers travel around the globe, spreading a vital message: Genesis holds the ‘key’ to reclaiming Western cultures.

  • Plomet Invasion, Space Day 2004
    May 7, 2004

    Competing against over 350 entrants, two students at Foster Home School submitted an “electronic journal” about their imaginary search for the Oort Cloud.

  • Evangelistic “Olympics” Website Launched!
    March 30, 2004

    AiG web visitors worldwide might want an update on how Gospel Literature Services (GLS) is gearing up for a special outreach to the Summer Olympic Games in Athens this August.

  • Banned Authors Plan Canyon Raft Trip
    March 16, 2004

    Tom Vail’s beautiful new book made worldwide headlines earlier this year when the US National Park Service considered banning it from park bookstores.


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