Latest Articles by Stacia McKeever

  • AiG Now Ministers to Millions in the Far East!
    Sept. 10, 2001

    Answers in Genesis had been searching for some way to minister to the over one billion people who speak Chinese.

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Answers for Kids
    Sept. 1, 2001, pp. 26–29

    How Did We Get The Bible?

  • Limiting Exposure
    July 23, 2001

    Science standards for Pennsylvania schools that have been three years in the works were finally approved by the state Board of Education on 13 July, 2001, but not before generating much controversy.

  • AiG Staff and Books Work “Off the Clock”
    July 7, 2001

    Working at Answers in Genesis provides our staff with many opportunities for sharing the truth of God’s Word — both on the job and ‘off the clock.’

  • When Does “Day” Mean “Day”?
    June 25, 2001

    Many people continue to question our all-knowing God when He says He created in six normal-length days and rested on the seventh.

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Is There Really a God?
    June 1, 2001, pp. 36–39

    Some people don't believe what the Bible says about God—they even deny He exists!

  • Children Kids Article
    The Seven C's of History: Consummation
    March 1, 2001

    God, in His great mercy, has promised to not leave His creation in its sinful state. He has promised to do away with the corruption Adam brought into the world.

  • More than Just Bible Stories
    Feb. 26, 2001

    In many church settings, Bible stories are taught as just that—stories, nice accounts that, although they may have a moral message, have no real bearing on the world around us.

  • “Does God Exist?”
    Feb. 13, 2001

    Whether by email, regular mail, phone call, or speaking engagement, there are several questions Answers in Genesis can predict will be asked at some point.

  • Children Kids Article
    The Seven C's of History: Cross
    Dec. 1, 2000

    The First Adam brought death into the world through his disobedience; the Last Adam (Jesus Christ) brought eternal life with God through His obedience.

  • Children Kids Article
    The Seven C's of History: Christ
    Sept. 1, 2000

    Just as God has a purpose and plan for everything and everyone, so He sent His promised Saviour at just the right time.

  • Children Kids Article
    The Seven C's of History: Confusion
    June 1, 2000

    After Noah and his family came off the Ark, God commanded them to spread out and fill the earth. But the descendants of Noah disobeyed God.

  • Magazine Article
    The Slippery Slide to Unbelief
    June 1, 2000, pp. 8–13

    If we re-interpret God’s Word in Genesis to fit man’s fallible opinion, it would be consistent to apply this hermeneutic elsewhere—even Christ’s Resurrection.

  • Children Kids Article
    The Seven C's of History: Catastrophe!
    March 1, 2000

    Because their hearts were wicked, they did things that displeased their Creator, including much violence.


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