Sam Waldron Articles

Latest Articles by Sam Waldron

  • A guide for young adults interested in rocket science.

  • Natural Selection Is Not Evolution!

    Evolutionists often refer to natural selection as equivalent to biological evolution. Is this claim warranted by the observation evidence?

  • Vestigial Organs: A Vanishing Argument

    Vestigial organs are supposedly useless leftovers from our evolutionary past. However, this claim requires preconceived belief and an ignorance of the evidence.

  • 200 Lost Years

    Was Charles Darwin a devout Christian reluctantly persuaded by the scientific evidence or a product of a nationally declining belief in God’s Word?

  • These field-tested VBS craft ideas reinforce key Bible truths, and hands-on science experiments make apologetics fun for kids!

  • Answers VBS is a fun, full-featured vacation Bible school curriculum that teaches kids the Bible is the trustworthy Word of God and introduces them to the Savior Jesus Christ!

  • This is a collection of article reviews by AiG’s writers and other authors.

  • Global Warming: Fact or Fiction?

    The media is constantly abuzz with dire news about global warming and climate change. What does biblical history add to the discussion?

  • This is a collection of TV reviews by AiG’s writers and other authors.

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    Hear what parents and their children enjoy about Answers Bible Curriculum (ABC) for Homeschool.

  • Founder of The Designer’s Creative Studio, Theron has spent his career injecting brand story and narrative into theme parks, destination experiences, and organizations around the world.

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    Wild Brothers

    Join Christian missionaries Mike and Libby Wild with their four boys, the Wild brothers, living in the jungle and sharing the gospel with a remote tribe.

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  • The New Answers Book 1 is packed with biblical answers to over 25 of the most important questions on creation,evolution, and the Bible.

  • Twenty-seven questions with answers that refute the classic arguments for evolution and millions of years taught in public schools and colleges.

  • Between the covers of this book may well be the most devastating scientific argument against the idea that life could form by natural processes.

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    VBS Songs & Music

    Check out these fantastically fun, Bible-based VBS songs that help kids remember the main points of each day’s lessons!

  • In The New Answers Book 2 you’ll find 31 more great answers to big questions for the Christian life.

  • This is a collection of book reviews by AiG’s writers and other authors.

  • This is a collection of movie reviews by AiG’s writers and other authors.

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    VBS Missions

    Kids work together to raise funds for meals that deliver the hope of the gospel to the homes of suffering children worldwide.


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