What is evolution?
If God created the world, why are stars millions of light years away?
When were the other planets created?
How long were Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden before they sinned?
There have been many claims over the years that explorers have found the remains of Noah’s Ark. While this great ship really did exist thousands of years ago, what can we say about it today?
Who Was Cain’s Wife?
If All That God Created was Good, How Could Satan be Bad?
The purpose of this exhibit on the origin of man is not only to indoctrinate children and adults in evolution, but also atheism!
Why was the first person a boy?
So, is AiG a cult or a life-changing, gospel-proclaiming ministry?
Why can’t snakes talk today?
How long did it take Adam to name the animals?
Did Adam give the animals the names we call them today?
When Christians talk about the gospel, they are presenting the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection.
Why did God let Adam name the animals?
Why did God make a week seven days long?
When God created the earth, were the trees fully grown?
Who has the right to determine what is good or bad, or what is morally right or wrong? Who determines whether marriage as an institution should be adhered to?
Does Genesis 1:1-2 refer to the first day?
Where is the garden of Eden?
Did Adam and Eve Have Bellybuttons?
How Did God Create Everything From Nothing?
Time began when God started to create everything in the whole universe.
Most people believe the genealogies contain only dull details, but since “every word is given by inspiration of God” even these so-called dull passages contain vital truth that can be trusted.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.