Why is it that whenever I mention anything about the Bible in school I get into trouble?
A burden to reach millions of Arabic-speaking people in the Middle East has begun to bear fruit.
Just why is the Bible true? I believe but I just don’t understand why it’s true.
The Creation Museum is a center that walks people through the Bible, helping them to understand that the history in the Bible is true.
How can anyone know what happened in the beginning if none of us were there? Ken Ham, AiG–U.S., explains.
How did God communicate with Moses?
An “uncertain sound” is being heard in many Christian institutions across the United States.
I want you to read a remarkable example of lives that have been touched as God uses this ministry.
I can still see images of the tsunami hitting the eastern coast of Japan. The mud, debris, and destruction were almost unbelievable. But there is a different kind of tsunami I want to write about.
Why did God allow the Israelites to kill people?
Read chapter three from the new book Already Compromised
Read chapter eleven from the new book Already Compromised
With our announcement of the construction of a full-size Noah’s Ark and with the 50th anniversary of the publication of The Genesis Flood, our attention is once again drawn to Genesis 6–8.
In the Bible God is a God of second chances. God gives us a second chance when we sin. So, why didn’t God give Adam and Eve a second chance in the Garden of Eden even though they sinned?
Over the past 30 years, I have observed evolving tactics used by secularists to respond to arguments from creationist scholars and researchers.
We have released an eye-opening resource that we believe will be a major shock that will “wake up” the “sleeping giant.”
Is the Holy Spirit even with God?
Students from the Apologetics class at Jackson Hole Bible College were tasked with reviewing the new book, Already Compromised.
How could God be Jesus and Jesus be God? How can they be the same, but different?
The greater roadrunner has a dark brown, streaked appearance with lighter brown on its breast.
Answers in Genesis faces an ever-increasing spiritual battle with secularists in our culture. There was even a recent incident at our Creation Museum that will shock you.
In an informal TV debate on the Anderson Cooper 360 CNN program a few weeks ago, my opponent was Rev. Barry Lynn—head of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
The Ark Encounter project certainly created a buzz! And it’s a buzz that should remind us of lessons we should have already learned in regard to the spiritual nature of the world we live in today.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.