Her spiritual life is hanging in the balance and no one even knows that’s the case.
Aren’t you as deeply troubled and tremendously burdened as I am when you read these sad statistics about the millennials who attend our churches?
The problem we are studying, of course, is that 60 percent of the students who grow up in the Church have lost that connection.
On the surface they appear to be very similar. As we studied the research findings further, we soon found we were dealing with two different types of individuals who were no longer attending church.
As we all get older at AiG, a natural question some people have been asking me is, “Do you have a succession plan at the ministry?”
We will be showing museum visitors that even non-existent aliens can be used to bring the truth of salvation to real “aliens!”
These beautiful bows remind me of my parents’ teaching of what the Bible says about God’s purpose in giving us the rainbow.
How people must have scoffed at Noah. In this world, AiG is increasingly experiencing the scoffing of those who mock us as we stand on God’s Word in Genesis.
When we consider the possibility that God used evolutionary processes to create over millions of years, we are faced with serious consequences.
When you consider the 20 somethings (ages 20–29), you get a glimpse of what the “new America” will be if this culture continues on the same downward spiral.
The Answers in Genesis ministry is really a legacy from parents who instructed their children to stand unashamedly on the authority of God’s Word.
If you can’t trust the Bible when it talks about geology, biology, and astronomy, then how can you trust the Bible when it talks about salvation?
We have the most important message in the universe, and yet it seems to me that many Christians think it’s wrong to “market” things.
Now that the construction of the life-size Noah’s Ark is well under way, I thought it time to respond to the scoffers and critics of the project.
According to evolutionists, monogamy is not the rule in the animal kingdom. Then why was monogamy in our Western world accepted as the norm until recently?
Every generation has the same decision to make: Will I serve the God of the Bible or a false god?
Scores of spectacular animals must be designed and sculpted over the next year to be displayed in the life-size Noah’s Ark in northern Kentucky.
It’s headline news around the world: “Ireland poised to legalize gay marriage as votes tallied.”
That’s why Richard Dawkins despises young-earth creationists—he recognizes the incredible threat they are to his atheistic religion.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.