Answers magazine has reached many thousands of people in over 100 countries around the world!
For this issue, we commissioned an award-winning mechanical engineer, Dr. Stuart Burgess, to research and write a feature article on a very specific “hot topic.”
In the big view of God’s extra-large creatures, I like knowing that I would be considered extra extra extra small.
As a born-and-raised Midwesterner, that New Madrid quake has always made me wonder.
Disney is not the only media company taking direct aim at the hearts and minds of our children.
Nobody will experience the unfathomable future joy of heaven without the sin-covering blood of Jesus.
Today, virtually every church has a Sunday school, but most children who attend end up walking away from the faith.
Most people don’t know that the world was once perfect and all was at peace.
Find yourself a quiet place to consider God’s awesome power as you read this issue of Answers.
Trees are beautiful, but they aren’t just for looking at. Admiring creation can also remind us to reflect upon the Creator and his work in us.
This issue is packed with content that kids (and adults) need to know.
We need to be ready to defend our beliefs and then share that information with others so they can also know what they believe and take a stand!
A personalized Christian worldview is only as good and stable as the foundation upon which it’s built.
George Washington lived by a simple yet profound motto: “Deeds, not words.”
How old should your children be when you begin instilling in them a faith-affirming Christian worldview? At what age will kids be exposed to brazenly anti-Christian ideas?
As I sat down to write about how my dad handled “the talk,” I found it difficult to say the obvious without being obvious.
Christians look forward to heaven, but how much do we really know about it?
Though it’s amazing what a boy can dream up and what humans can do, the Bible reveals the plans and works of God.
This world is fallen and broken, but we can choose to live a whole lot closer to the original design.
Because a loved one was willing to share creation apologetics, via this magazine and DVDs, another generation was reached.
I love the drive from home to my office at AiG’s Creation Museum, not long after sunrise on colorful fall mornings.
What if one of Noah’s sons had kept a journal while building the Ark? What might it say? That’s the intriguing question this issue’s kids section asks.
As I was growing up in a middle-class American family, my dad would pack us into the car and head to jaw-dropping vistas days away.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.