Publisher’s Pen: Two Decades of “Awesomeness”

by Dale Mason on June 11, 2023
Featured in Answers Magazine

Nearly 20 years ago, when I was vice president of the Communications Division here at Answers in Genesis (AiG), I went to Ken Ham, our founder, and shared my burden that AiG needed to launch a new creation-based worldview magazine.

Now, Ken is the ultimate visionary, and he’d already been thinking the same thing. We agreed that the magazine needed to reach around the world. And it needed to feature the incredible talent that God had led to AiG—our scientists, artists, editors, and designers are amazing! Soon, we pulled a few more voices into the discussion. In short order we were dreaming about how to make this imaginary new periodical real. We even dreamed up crazy ideas like a removable children’s section.

Dale Mason

illustration by Viktor Miller-Gausa

Dale Mason

But AiG was in the middle of building the huge Creation Museum, and there was no money to add more staff for this new undertaking. In God’s providence, though, that didn’t matter. Within days, I found myself leading an excited group of young “newbies” in magazine publishing. The excitement was infectious. We were given the goal of a launch deadline that most ministries would never attempt. So we reprioritized our responsibilities and asked the Lord to make a way. Then, he used that small group of excited God-followers to do it . . . his way!

Since that first issue, we have published well over 1,000 amazing articles and received scores of awards. But more importantly, we have reached many thousands of people in over 100 countries around the world!

Today, I am so thankful that we have a great team with truly innovative ideas for the future. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do next. But I need to let you know that I’m stepping down as publisher and looking toward “semi-retirement” down the road.

Now, I’ll never disconnect entirely. I’ve been working with Ken in one way or another since 1985. Because the foundational principles I keep learning here have impacted me and my family so deeply, I will continue to enthusiastically support what God is doing through AiG and Answers magazine. My family and I will continue to visit and bring others to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter frequently. That’s because, like the magazine, these attractions provide answers to the questions that this broken world asks.

So, while this is my last “Publisher’s Pen,” it’s the beginning of a new phase both for me and this awesome magazine! (Oh, and by the way, renew your subscription now so you don’t miss out on any “awesomeness”!)

Answers Magazine

July–September 2023

The undercurrent of Critical Race Theory is tugging students away from God’s Word. How should parents respond?

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