Answers Update

  • “Coals of Fire”
    Dec. 1, 2005

    AiG initiated a special relief effort to help thousands of public school students in Ocean Springs, Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina

  • Hurricanes and a Loving God?
    Nov. 1, 2005

    If there really is a God of love, how can He allow these horrible things to happen?

  • The ‘Pilgrim’ Who ‘Preaches’ From a Grave
    Oct. 1, 2005

    I want to bring to your attention the type of person everyone should look up to as one of the real heroes—a hero for the Christian faith: John Bunyan (who was saved from a rough background).

  • No Choice!
    Sept. 1, 2005

    Dr. Georgia Purdom gives her testimony about the path that led her to become a part of AiG.

  • They Can’t Allow “It”!
    Aug. 1, 2005

    Those Christians who believe in evolution and/or millions of years destroy the fundamental nature of the Bible.

  • #1 Problem: Young-Earth Creationists?
    July 25, 2005

    Imagine my shock! The president of a Christian college (where I was speaking) was an eyewitness of the story he shared with me at lunch a few weeks ago.

  • Subscriber-Only
    Modern-Day Philistines
    June 1, 2005

    Creation ministries like AiG are fighting the “Philistines” of our day.

  • We’ve Invaded Their “Temple”!
    May 1, 2005

    Almost every time there's news in the secular press about Answers in Genesis, the reporter will mock the fact that we believe dinosaurs and humans have lived at the same time.

  • Can Creationists Be Scientists?
    April 1, 2005

    Although evolutionists interpret the evidence in light of their belief in evolution, science works perfectly well without any connection to evolution.

  • Bible vs. Science?
    March 1, 2005

    "Bible vs. science" was the headline in a recent Canadian newspaper featuring a report about the creation/evolution controversy in public schools in America.

  • “Here I Stand . . .”
    Feb. 1, 2005

    My favorite recent film was Luther, a professionally dramatized account of the life of Martin Luther, the great reformer; and one of my favorite Bible teachers is Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.

  • Putting Lives Back Together!
    Jan. 1, 2005

    It's 2005, and we began our new year with an exciting theme of "Rebuilding the Foundation."

  • Decontaminating Our Children
    Dec. 1, 2004

    Whether it’s in America, a Third World country or wherever children receive some formal education, I would be prepared to say that young people have heard plenty about evolution.

  • Subscriber-Only
    ‘Not Just Another Movement’
    Nov. 1, 2004

    AiG is not just another movement—it’s not just another organization to teach aspects of Scripture—but a movement to engage the culture and the church to return to the Word of God.

  • Subscriber-Only
    What Happened?
    Oct. 1, 2004

    Twenty-five years ago I was telling the church how important it was to understand the ‘discontinuity’ that occurred in the world because of sin.

  • God—‘Lost’ in Space!
    July 1, 2004

    The secular media would scoff if such a reading from Genesis occurred from space.

  • Secular Creation?
    June 1, 2004

    How could there be such a thing as ‘secular creation’?

  • A 21st-Century “Prophetic Voice”
    May 3, 2004

    The ministry of AiG is a “prophetic voice,” not in the sense of bringing new revelation, but faithfully proclaiming what God has revealed,

  • “He Could Have Done It That Way . . . Couldn’t He?”
    Feb. 1, 2004

    “It’s not a matter of what God could have done, but what He said He did!”

  • Operation: Refuting Compromise
    Jan. 1, 2004

    Our theme for 2004 will be ‘Operation: Refuting Compromise.’

  • Scopes & the Ten Commandments
    Nov. 1, 2003

    Removing the Ten Commandments from schools (and from a judicial building in Alabama) was headline news across America in 2003. But did you know the connection between these events & the Scopes Trial?

  • Dead Archbishop “Revived”!
    Oct. 1, 2003

    Archbishop James Ussher, one of history’s most famous and respected historians, spent over five years researching and writing The Annals of the World. His volume is now available once again.

  • The Common Factor
    Sept. 3, 2003

    On my summer speaking tour across Australia, I visited a number of major museums … and something really ‘hit’ me. Almost everywhere I looked, there were references to millions or billions of years.

  • “Secret Things!”
    Aug. 1, 2003

    There are some questions that we, as fallible, finite human beings, cannot provide ultimate answers to.


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