The book Origins: A Reformed Look at Creation, Design, & Evolution fails to live up to its title and skews or ignores both scientific and theological evidence.
PDF DownloadThe evolution-busting Evolution Exposed: Biology now has a partner—Evolution Exposed: Earth Science.
World history, based on God’s Word, comes alive like never before.
I am not sure what I was expecting when I picked up Dr. David DeWitt’s book Unraveling the Origins Controversy, but after reading the first few chapters, I was pleasantly surprised.
The newest guidebook, the Museum Guide from Answers in Genesis, will help. This guide tells the true history about dinosaurs, plate tectonics, the Stone Age, the Ice Age, human origins, and more.
Paul F. Taylor examines God’s Design science curriculum. This biblically based curriculum can be used for homeschooling or for supplemental teaching at home for children in state schools.
Grand Canyon—A Different View explains how the canyon could have been formed by rapid processes associated with the Flood of Noah, rather than by slow erosion over millions of years.
In the Time magazine cover article (March 22, 2007), “The Case for Teaching the Bible,” author David Van Biema argues for teaching the Bible in public schools.
Each year 143 million people visit zoos and aquariums—that’s more people than those who attend professional basketball, football, and baseball games combined!
Sample lessons from God’s Design science curriculum.
Since it was originally compiled more than 20 years ago, and later expanded in three major updates, The Answers Book has been a top-seller among modern apologetic works.
The main thesis of Francis Collins' new book, The Language of God, is that you can be a credible scientist and a Christian by believing in theistic evolution.
Biology is the study of life, and probably no other high-school subject discusses a more controversial topic.
Most astronomy textbooks teach that our universe was formed in a big bang billions of years ago.
Let us take a closer look at Dan Brown’s popular novel, the soon-to-be-released movie of the same name, and their possible impact on the church and culture.
Catholic bishops of England, Wales and Scotland recently published their study book, "The Gift of Scripture." Does the book presume authority to be based on the Bible, or something else?
If this is the best that evolutionary philosophy can offer (and it may well be), then creationists have nothing at all to fear.
Bible-believing scientists who lived before Charles Darwin is the fascinating theme of a just-released book by AiG–USA researcher and speaker, Dr. Terry Mortenson.
The book expresses what we know in our hearts to be true—that God works through and often despite fallible humans—but it is good to see such scholarly support emerging from the poverty of materialism.
Waltke’s overall approach to the creation account and the interpretation he adopts in this commentary is not much different from what he has previously written on this subject.
Some books can forever change the way you see the world. Dr David A. Noebel’s popular book Understanding the Times is a rare life-changer.
In 'The Mind Siege Project,' eight teens on a boat are given lessons in 'tolerance' and 'diversity' by an instructor who won't tolerate one of the students reading her Bible in front of the others.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.