You don’t have to look far to find the best evidence for the Creator. In fact, your eyes are a good starting point. With a microscope, you’ll find a billion more powerful evidences that patrol your blood every day—your feisty white blood cells, which could only be the handiwork of a Master Designer.
To survive, we require a specialized pump that can deliver life-giving blood to all our body parts, day and night, year after year, without fail. To get the job done within the body of a living organism, the heart must overcome some incredible engineering challenges.
Some 96% of our body is made of four common chemicals: hydrogen and oxygen (75%, mostly water), carbon (18%), and nitrogen (3%). The remaining 4% consists of many different minerals, such as sulfur, magnesium, and iron. Although some of these minerals come in small “trace” portions, each is essential for life.
Vestigial organs are often used as evidence to argue in favor of Darwinian evolution. These organs are allegedly left over from our ancestors but are no longer useful or needed. For the creationist, there should be no problem with an organ or structure in man that has lost some functionality.
The human brain is so complex that scientists have barely tapped its intricacy. The quiet workings of the brain point toward its Designer.
The Lord claims to be the Creator of the “seeing eye.” (Proverbs 20:12) The sophisticated and elaborate design of the eye certainly points to His design.
Several organs have been labeled “vestigial” evolutionary relics with little or no function. These organs are now proving purposeful. It’s the label, not the organs, that is vestigial.
Medical researchers have launched one of the most ambitious mapping projects ever—the human cell atlas.
Evolutionists claim that this similarity between humans and primates is evidence of common ancestry. Closer study verifies differences that point to a common Designer.
Developmental biology is one of the most awesome biological disciplines to display the glory of God and the immeasurable value of human life.
We’ve now unlocked some of our body’s incredible secrets for rapid response to the ever-changing threat from microbe invaders.
It is fitting that one of the most marvelous organs in the body should be used to hear the Word of God.
With life-and-death issues at stake, Christians must be aware of current medical practices to draw biblical boundaries.
How does play fit into God’s plan for his people?
Have you ever woken up just before your alarm went off? It’s as if your body is wired with an internal clock. Actually, scientists have discovered trillions of them!
Our reflex response to pain is a blessing, prompting us to withdraw at the first sign of trouble and preventing worse harm.
God designed your brain to fill in missing details on the fly . . . with some interesting consequences.
Aging is a result of Adam’s fall. But can we do anything to ease the effects of aging or extend our life span?
Kids don’t just play differently from adults, they think differently too—by God’s design.
Different parts of your skin sport different sensitivities to the world around you. If our skin were sensitive all over, we would be in big trouble.
From head to heels, your body teems with minuscule machines driving your everyday physical processes.
Several recent studies have shown that being well-rested makes a person more altruistic.
Though embarrassing, a growling stomach reminds us that the Creator designed our bodies to uniquely sound the alarm when it’s time for our next meal.
As much as we complain about it, our bodies are made to store fat. And that’s a good thing.
Evolutionists cite the recurrent laryngeal nerve as evidence of “poor design.” But the nerve serves an important designed function.
Modern technology can help people in great need. But what if technology can be repurposed to enhance healthy people beyond their natural limits?
Look at those luscious pancakes! Can’t you just taste them? You can—because of God’s intricate design for your senses.
You might be surprised to learn that the most amazing electric machine is also the oldest.
Scientists admit that biological gender is visible in basic human anatomy and in the genetic makeup of chromosomes.
God made all people different in the way they walk, in their stride, and in their steps.
In a culture that promotes putting yourself first, how should Christians approach self-care?
The immune system does amazing work fighting off pathogens. But where did those pathogens come from?
Evolution leaves no room for “extras”—but Divine design does.
God created our bodies with three types of muscle: smooth, cardiac, and skeletal.
Doctors dream of the day when they can send micro-machines up our bloodstream to attack cancers and deliver medicines.
Many people think of the skeletal structure as static, but as our ribs show, they are some of the most dynamic structures in our bodies.
PDF DownloadThe immune system serves more than just to “defend” against disease – it was designed to interact with microbes and to cleanse the body.
Our bodies can do some pretty embarrassing things, and we can’t always stop them.
How our immune system protects us from deadly pathogens and parasites through antibodies to demonstrate how we’re fearfully and wonderfully made.
The cells in your body are bustling with a protein, called kinesin, that faithfully delivers hefty “packages” to each destination.
What if we could design a material for roads that would only get small cracks that resealed with chemical bonds as good as new?
The secret ingredient to continual breathing? Water.
When you’re drifting off to dreamland, God unwraps one of his greatest presents.
You’re not the same person you were yesterday. You may look and feel the same, but your body has been busy creating a new you.
The media bombards us daily with messages about becoming younger and cheating death.
Your body produces toxic chemicals all day every day. Not to worry. Your liver’s got it covered.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.