Plate Tectonics

Plate tectonics refers to the slow movement of the earth’s crustal plates. These plates were formed when earth’s crust broke apart at the beginning of the global Flood. Due to unique geological conditions, these plates moved rapidly, reshaping earth’s surface. This is known as Catastrophic Plate Tectonics (CPT).

The Basics of Plate Tectonics

The word “tectonics” has to do with earth movements; so the study of the movements and interactions among these plates is called “plate tectonics.” Plate tectonics is an interpretation or model of what geologists envisage happened to these plates through earth’s history

Catastrophic Breakup

Plate tectonics is not directly mentioned in the Bible, but Genesis 1:9–10 suggests that all of the land was once connected, whereas the continents are now separated. The catastrophic plate tectonics model and continental sprint during the Flood can explain this.

Plate Tectonics and the Flood

We have a reasonable picture of what happened at the catastrophic initiation of the Flood. Huge plumes of molten rock blasted the underside of the earth’s thin oceanic crust like massive blow-torches. Eventually the oceanic crust was ripped apart, and mainly steam burst forth. The spreading rift eventually reached the supercontinent which collapsed.

New Rift in Ethiopia

In the middle of the Ethiopian desert, a 35-mile-long gash cuts through the earth, the product of tectonic activity in 2005. The speed with which the Ethiopian rift appeared is a suggestion of just how rapidly tectonic events may occur on earth now.

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