In the light of the biblical revelations, the evolutionary view of the origin of the earth and the universe is proved to be a series of false statements.
Human nature is by no means described by the Bible as good. A clear picture of God’s diagnosis of man’s condition emerges from only a few passages.
It is impossible to understand human nature apart from biblical revelation.
Some people are of the opinion that, after God had created everything, He did not interfere with the operation of this “wound-up clock.” This idea is definitely not found in the Bible.
All people have three fundamental types of information at their disposal, given them at creation according to the Bible.
The tragic effect that evolution and its view of death has on evolutionists becomes quite clear. The danger of eternal death is eclipsed, and many people miss the offer of salvation.
Marriage is a gift of God. When God brought to Adam the woman who was specially created for him, he cried out joyfully: “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.”
How is it then possible that such different and complex organs, which fit one another in every morphological and physiological detail, could have evolved suddenly?
Speech is a non-material phenomenon; that is why all evolutionary hypotheses for its origin fail.
On informatical/theoretical grounds it can be stated that there will never be a phylogenetically based genealogical tree of man.
Bible-believing Christians ought to know that there are no scientific philosophical objections today which prohibit the use of the Bible for explaining the facts of nature (creation science).
There is an unbridgeable chasm between theistic evolution and the biblical doctrine of creation.
Theories and models of the various creation disciplines are based on the following presuppositions, each of which is diametrically opposed to evolutionary assumptions.
These assumptions are fundamental principles of the doctrine of evolution but, unfortunately, they very seldom if ever appear explicitly in evolutionary writings.
Science theory concerns itself with the possibilities and the limits of scientific knowledge.
We will show why evolutionistic thought is completely foreign to the Bible.
The concept of energy plays such a central role in all of physics.
Man’s natural language is the most comprehensive as well as the most differentiated means of expression.
Shannon’s definition of information entails only one minor aspect of the nature of information, as we will discuss at length.
The question about the origin of matter and the energies we observe in action is already answered in the first verse of the Bible.
Let us now examine how the Bible addresses the six measures for quantitatively evaluating information (especially its semantics) .
God is shown as the source or sender of biblical information.
According to biblical assertions all information given out by humans is evaluated by God.
The common factor present in all living organisms, from bacteria to man, is the information contained in all their cells.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.