Dragon legends are not the only evidence of mankind living with dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and marine reptiles.
Evolutionists tout the whale series as one of the best evidences for evolution. However, there are lots of problems with the story of whale evolution.
One of the most frequently-asked questions we receive is about Genesis 1:3–3 and specifically, “What was the light source on days 1-3 if not the sun?”
Whale evolution is presented in most biology textbooks as absolute fact, often with inaccurate depictions of the supposed transitional forms.
A skeptical social media post is making the claim that the lesser mole-rat (one of several blind mole rats) is evidence against intelligent design.
Are intelligently designed experiments using already present features in already-existing bacteria and viruses really examples of molecules-to-man evolution?
Uranium-lead radioisotope dating is now the preferred absolute dating method among geochronologists. But there are several problems with this particular method.
Nearly every culture around the world has a legend regarding creation and a worldwide flood. How do these legends compare to the Biblical accounts in Genesis?
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.