God made his handiwork so clear that even a child can see it (Romans 1:18–20). The beauty of his work is inescapable—and an undeniable witness to his existence.
Electric cars are parked at the center of a charged debate. How can you know when and whether to buy in?
The intricate design of creation shows the skill and care of the divine Designer.
Don’t look now, but you’re being watched by an amazing variety of magnificent eyes.
Our ability to communicate and understand, feel emotions, and think rationally shows that we are created for a purpose—to have a relationship with God.
Creationists are sometimes accused of ignoring scientific evidence and being anti-science. But belief in God in no way diminishes zeal for how life works.
What if we could build light-weight flying machines that flap their wings and maneuver silently, without conventional airplane engines?
According to the theory of sexual selection, the peacock tail has gradually evolved because the peahen selects beautiful males for mating.
Opponents of Neo-Darwinian evolution have argued that it is impossible, because many biological systems require an irreducible number of parts for the system to have any useful function.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.