A novel satellite is scheduled to investigate the feasibility of using “solar wind” as a source of propulsion for spacecraft by using solar sails.
I was brought up in a Christian home in Gravesend Kent, but only when I was 15 years old did I take personal responsibility for my faith. I became a Christian during a period of childhood illness (brain tumor). During this time God performed several wonderful miracles including protecting me from the effects of radiotherapy on the pituitary gland and miraculously restoring a portion of skull bone that was originally removed as part of exploratory surgery. I was grateful for all that God had done in sparing my life and also realized that I was guilty of breaking the law and was in need of his redemptive power. I began a search to know more about him and was particularly aware of the calling of 1 Peter 2:24. During this time I came across several apologetics-based ministries including Answers in Genesis. For the last 20 years, being a Christian has given me purpose, and I have made it my goal to pursue God in my work and family life.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.