Flowers aren’t just pretty trinkets we enjoy for a moment. They’re among the most remarkable structures in nature.
Consider what the fossils really tell us, when we start with the Bible as factual history.
PDF DownloadThe existence of thousands of orchid species staggers the imagination. Yet each species seems perfectly adapted for the insects that pollinate the flower.
If Darwin had interpreted the Galapagos islands from a Biblical perspective, he might have reached a very different conclusion.
PDF DownloadDarwin was both a product of his times and his own man.
PDF DownloadDarwin could not understand why God would allow the death of his daughter.
PDF DownloadWatch interviews with leading creationist biologists discussing their passion for understanding the Creator.
Reminders about the loving Creator are all around us, even in the grass we walk on.
PDF DownloadAnswers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.