The evolution of life on earth from simple matter is accepted as a fact by secular science. The Bible—and the evidence—show a much different picture.
Extensive fossil graveyards and coal deposits are more consistent with a global catastrophe than with slow and steady processes over millions of years.
Modern examples of canyon formation and erosion provide models to explain how many geological formations can be described by the Flood and its aftereffects.
Many dating methods establish a maximum age for many earth and space systems that is much too small to confirm the evolutionary age of 4.5 billion years.
Atheists recently launched a billboard campaign calling a fanciful image of Christmas a myth. Perhaps they should use their reason to study what the Bible actually teaches.
Most scientists and many Christians believe that the radiometric dating methods prove that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. Recent research shows otherwise.
There are many problems with the models and hypotheses that are used to support the naturalistic story of how the solar system formed.
Many people believe that the big bang is compatible with the biblical account of Creation. However, in order to make the big bang fit into the Bible, the biblical explanation is rearranged.
The purpose of this book is to provide students & teachers with biblical & scientific insight into the true nature of evolution, uniformitarian geology, & the big bang as taught in public schools.
Can a creationist make a difference in a public school? Roger Patterson, AiG–U.S., gives a blunt assessment of the current climate in the American education system.
If creationists accept “descent with modification” as a natural process, how are we any different from evolutionists?
A reader tells us that he has left “creationist principles” behind because of “mainstream science,” but as Roger Patterson, AiG–U.S., points out, the Bible is what was ultimately left behind.
Today’s top-selling biology textbooks present evolution as the only scientific view of the history of life.
Skeptics such as Michael Shermer like to assure you that they alone are being rational. But a close look at the claims reveals how empty they are.
Can scientists be unbiased? What are the limits of science? And were earlier scientists simply cowed into creationism by the Inquisition?
Can man be held accountable for his sinful actions, and yet have Christ act as a substitution for his sins?
Is Lot Abraham’s nephew or his brother?
Is it okay to kill, like David killing Goliath or Joshua eliminating Canaanites? Or is killing forbidden?
Doesn’t Jesus contradict Old Testament teachings by not stoning the adulteress, which was commanded?
Was Solomon, who asked for an understanding heart from God, really going to cut a baby in half?
What is the nature of truth? Can facts be refuted by science? Roger Patterson, AiG–U.S., addresses an attack on his book series Evolution Exposed.
Is it possible for public schools to be “neutral” in the origins debate? Roger Patterson, former biology teacher and content developer, tackles this issue.
Cedarville University recently played host to the First Conference on Creation Geology. The theme for the gathering of creation geologists from around the world was “Geology Education for the Future.”
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.