From gigantic glaciers to the cubes in your cup, ice makes life cool!
What do you think about ghosts? If we look to the Scriptures, we find solid answers, even on this murky subject.
The Bible’s history goes back a long way. Let’s journey to the past to discover how we got God’s Word.
A Harvard-trained geneticist shows how new findings have shattered Darwin’s best guesses about the origin of species.
Because maples, oaks, willows, birches, palms, pines, and other trees are so common, it’s easy to overlook them.
Did you ever wonder how instincts are passed down from mothers to their offspring?
Even though that now-infamous event occurred over 80 years ago, distorted details continue to warp society’s thinking concerning creation and evolution.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.