Philip Webb

Philip Webb

Hymns of Grace Director

Philip Webb grew up in a Christian home, his father a Baptist pastor near Kansas City, Missouri. In this setting, God’s Word was a priority, and Philip was drawn to Christ at an early age. He has completed his master’s in biblical studies at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and his doctorate of musical arts at the University of Kentucky. He has served over 25 years as a minister of music for two different churches and has been a part of Grace Community Church for over 35 years. Mr. Webb spent over 20 years as a professional singer, appearing with major international symphonies and singing lead roles for The Metropolitan Opera in New York, Vienna State Opera in Vienna, Austria, and many other theaters. Philip has been an adjunct professor at The Master’s University, Pepperdine University, Azusa Pacific University, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and The University of Kentucky. He is the creative director of Hymns of Grace for Grace Community Church and the head of the TMS church music program. Philip and his wife Barbara are blessed with three children and three grandchildren.


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