The time line for the divided kingdom has caused many problems recently for those who do not take the Bible as their final authority.
Archaeologists claim that Egyptian history conflicts with the Bible—but the real problem is with their timeline.
Have you ever wondered how the early history of Egypt and other ancient nations fits within biblical history?
How could Moses and Aaron have so many relatives (about 8,600) when their father only had two sons and one daughter?
Most people believe the genealogies contain only dull details, but since “every word is given by inspiration of God” even these so-called dull passages contain vital truth that can be trusted.
The works of Charles Spurgeon have inspired millions of Christians around the world for over a hundred years. AiG and Larry and Marion Pierce want that to be another hundred years.
In today’s culture, the thought of creation occurring about 6,000 years ago is frequently mocked by non-Christians—and also by many Christians.
There is no reason to bend the Bible to fit the current reconstructions of Assyrian chronology.
Aside from the beauty and grandeur of the Falls, very few visitors realise they are looking at one of the major excuses for abandoning biblical chronology.
Just because we cannot duplicate something that was done thousands of years ago, it does not mean the ancients could not do it either!
Ancient documents about the days of Peleg are consistent with the total accuracy of the Bible’s chronology.
When it comes to suggesting a date for the creation of the Earth, perhaps few people have been the butt of more ridicule on the subject from sceptics than Archbishop James Ussher.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.