Joseph Hubbard

Joseph Hubbard

Director of Creation Research UK, Speaker, Researcher, Writer

Joseph Hubbard, Sip. (Zool), B.Sc. (Paleobiology), is the Director of Creation Research UK, and is a speaker, writer and researcher for Creation Research Worldwide.

He has completed degrees in geology (specializing in paleobiology) and Zoology (DMZAA), and has completed specialist courses and diplomas in genetics, dinosaurian palaeontology, Biblical archaeology, British archaeology, and mycology. His studies in zoology led him to work in the animal care industry as a zookeeper for 6 years, before joining Creation Research full time as UK director in 2019.


  • Chippenham, Wiltshire
    September 28 – September 28
  • West Bromwich, West Midlands
    October 31 – November 02
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