Creationists are often ridiculed for pointing to gaps in the fossil record. It is alleged, the finding of a ‘transitional form’ means that one can now argue two gaps in the fossile record.
The physical features which distinguish 'primitive' from modern man can be accounted for by non-evolutionary explanations.
Commonly, apologists for evolution put up a bold front and try to deny that the tree of evolution is full of holes (or, more accurately, is mostly holes with just twigs at the end). It is therefore instructive whenever an article appears that is written by evolutionists who candidly acknowledged the major discontinuities in (alleged) evolutionary sequences.
The panda’s ‘odd’ forelimb arrangement has an enlarged wristbone ‘digit’ commonly called the panda’s ‘thumb’.
A century ago, Lord Kelvin calculated an upper limit for the age of the Earth.
The timescale and conditions for the formation and cooling of granites are totally consistent with a 6,000–7,000 year-old earth and a global cataclysmic flood 4,500–5,000 years ago.
Some scientists have suggested that the vampire bat developed its blood-sucking practice while it was an insect-eater, as most bats are.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.