Cleaning up dead animals really stinks—and that’s a good thing, which shows God’s wise provision even in a fallen world.
God is writing his story on this whirling blue planet, placed in an absolutely huge universe, which is the stage you’d expect for a God-sized plan.
The Creator equipped numerous animals, large and small, with astonishing tools to find their way as they migrate around the world.
God created something incredible when he made the beaches of the world.
For some creatures, slime is an all-purpose tool for survival.
These animal “athletes” might take home the gold, but the glory goes to their Creator.
Doctors dream of the day when they can send micro-machines up our bloodstream to attack cancers and deliver medicines.
The next time you consider skipping a workout, remember that exercise isn’t for the birds . . . or bears.
The lowly sea snail, of all things, has a unique way of manufacturing armor from soft ingredients.
Despite living continents apart, this caravan of creatures clearly confirms the Bible’s history.
As far as stereotypes go, cavemen make easy targets—especially when transplanted into the twenty-first century.
Perhaps, in fact, it’s our discomfort with not knowing what to do with cavemen that makes us laugh. So just who were they?
What if we could find an efficient process that extracted a pure source of power—hydrogen gas—directly out of water.
The astonishing similarity of designs among unrelated creatures is powerful evidence of a Common Designer
Recent invasions of massed jellyfish prompted new studies of these ocean terrors. Scientists were astonished by what they found.
One of the big dangers in sharing our faith is to get sidetracked. It helps to acknowledge areas of agreement before getting into the deeper issues.
Since the beginning of modern science, creationists have strived to explain our world based on the unchanging laws of our Creator.
Every time a little leaguer steps up to bat, hidden powers come into play.
Your eye’s complex ability to see color and motion points to the Creator. Even its limitations reveal His purposeful design.
God created an infinite diversity of food for us to explore in infinite combinations.
Would you rather have a computer or a brain in an emergency? Knock a robot off its legs, and you decide!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.