Before we trust the experts, we must learn to test their claims.
With their red hair and funny faces, orangutans have won a place in our hearts. But they stand out, even among apes, for other reasons too.
Watch out—this critter’s outrageous hairdo is more than a fashion statement. With a prickly exterior & a matching disposition, the secret is in the spines.
Horns, antlers, and other headwear are some of the most extravagant features in creation.
The wolverine’s fearsome features help this formidable creature survive in its harsh environment.
These animal escape artists know how to get away in style.
The slow loris’ large eyes have a reflective layer to help them see in almost total darkness.
Rather than being taught platitudes and dismissive mockery, young Christians need thorough training in evolutionary beliefs.
It’s just as well that these unsightly creatures live underground.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.