Why do the inscriptions on Jesus’s cross differ among the four gospels?
The latest influenza outbreak has people in a panic. What should Christians think?
It is one of the most-asked questions we now receive at Answers in Genesis: If human and chimp DNA are so similar, does this show a common ancestor?
PDF DownloadA lion that wouldn’t eat meat? What does this tell us about the pre-Fall world?
Preserving life—it is extremely important in the Christian faith. But what is the biblical definition of life, and how does this definition affect stem cell research?
Natural selection is an observable process that is often purported to be the underlying mechanism of unobservable molecules-to-man evolution.
Darwin’s ideas about species, when put to the test, have run into insurmountable hurdles.
PDF DownloadMuch has been made of laminin having a cross shape. But should we look for such “signs” to prove the accuracy of God’s Word?
PDF DownloadWhat exactly are these animals and how did they come to be? Are they new species? Can the Bible explain such a thing?
PDF DownloadAs evidence of the growing “popularity” of Answers Research Journal (ARJ), the June 2008 issue of The Journal of Young Investigators (JYI) featured an article on ARJ entitled “Science for Christians.”
Has E. coli “evolved” new complex traits in the lab? Or is this more evidence of evolutionists grasping at anything to promote their ideas?
PDF DownloadWhen discussing creation/evolution on forums, do the “facts” speak for themselves? Or is there something else to keep in mind? Dr. Georgia Purdom, AiG–U.S., answers a call for help.
Gene duplications followed by subsequent mutation of the duplicated genes are often cited by evolutionists as a mechanism for adding new information to the genome.
PDF DownloadWhat are beneficial mutations? Does AiG need to change its stance regarding them? Dr. Georgia Purdom, AiG–U.S., clarifies this often-contentious area.
Can duplication and mutations cause new information to “arise” in the genome? Dr. Georgia Purdom accepts this challenge posted to creationists.
A recent study claims that the rate of mutation has sharply increased over the last 10,000 years. But what is the reason for this change?
PDF DownloadIt seems that if a protein performs a certain function in one organism, then that same protein should perform the same function in a variety of organisms.
I am not sure what I was expecting when I picked up Dr. David DeWitt’s book Unraveling the Origins Controversy, but after reading the first few chapters, I was pleasantly surprised.
Scheduled to be released in theaters in February 2008, Ben Stein’s movie EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed will surely add more fuel to the fire of the creation/evolution controversy.
A college professor lambastes AiG for “perpetuating a myth” but, in turn, perpetuates a myth about natrual selection.
In a recent swath of articles and letters, evolutionists have been examining how they frame “science” to the public—though ignoring their own presuppostions.
PDF DownloadIn breaking news, two research groups have published findings that they have been able to turn ordinary human skin cells into stem cells that behave much like embryonic stem cells (ESCs).
Recent research publications indicate that some Neanderthals may have had red-hair, fair complexions, and the capacity for speech and language.
PDF DownloadThat is what several scientists and a religious historian seemed to be asking and answering at a forum I attended last Wednesday at COSI entitled, “Intersection of Faith & Evolution: A Civil Dialogue”
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.