Carl Hooker

Carl Hooker

Educator, Theologian, and Associate Pastor

Carl Hooker is an educator, theologian, and spiritual leader dedicated to shaping hearts and minds both inside and outside the classroom. Graduating from Appalachian Bible College with degrees in elementary education (K–8) and theology, he brings a unique blend of academic excellence and spiritual insight to his teaching practice. Furthering his academic journey, Carl pursued a master’s degree in educational leadership at the American College of Education, honing his skills to inspire and guide students and colleagues. With eight years of teaching experience across various grade levels, spanning from grades 1 to 10, Carl embodies adaptability and a commitment to nurturing the diverse needs of learners at different stages of development.

Beyond his role as an educator, Carl has served as an integral part of his community as an associate pastor at his local church for the past eight years. This dual role allows him to integrate faith and education seamlessly, fostering a holistic spiritual and intellectual growth approach. In the realm of family, Carl finds profound joy in his role as a husband and father to two energetic boys, aged 4 and 6, whom he cherishes dearly alongside his spouse of nine years. This commitment to family values underscores Carl’s character and is a foundation for his work in the classroom and ministry.


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