Why should we read and study God’s Word, and how should we go about it? Is Scripture clear on its own, or do we need a theology degree to understand it?
Dive into the devotional side of apologetics and glean encouraging truths from God’s Word with devotionals that uphold the authority of Scripture while providing real inspiration.
Why Study Hebrew Words? It is critical to those of us who hold to a literal, historical, contextual and grammatical interpretation of Scripture.
Here’s a glimpse of an eye-opening trend with some brainstorming of ideas to engage the issue.
Why Bible memorization helps believers in spiritual warfare, effective methods to memorize, and the unexpected joy of hiding God’s Word in your heart and mind
These devotionals are designed for one lesson per week for family or private devotions.
These devotionals are designed for one lesson per week for family or private devotions.
Memorizing Scripture is a lost art. But by following these time-tested tips, we can bring back this spiritual discipline.
Scripture is so hard to understand. How can anyone be sure they understand it correctly?
The next time you’re tempted to despair at the hopelessness of our modern church, consider Hezekiah. He faced similar challenges—and overcame them.
Aspects of Jesus’ humanity are often overlooked, but it is important to understand why Jesus took on flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14).
In order to combat the erroneous teaching that was infiltrating the church in Colossae, Paul reminded them of the supremacy of Jesus Christ.
God’s Word never promises to answer every human question.
What one reads in John’s Gospel is not a competing narrative, but rather a passage complementing what Matthew already recorded.
Sometimes we can destroy the meaning of a text by an incomplete study of the context or by imposing our own ideas on it.
The Bible is full of claims that are often hard to understand and reconcile.
The Bible is our final authority in more areas than our beliefs.
Christ’s Resurrection led to a confusing day, as His followers raced around the city. Skeptics point to alleged contradictions in the Gospels.
We are told in 1 Chronicles 21:1 that Satan provoked David to number Israel. Did God incite David to take a census of Israel, or did Satan?
The Bible is inerrant, yet some have tried to state that the Bible erroneously records 20 commandments.
The Bible is unlike any other religious book. Despite 40 authors writing from three continents over nearly two thousand years, it maintains perfect consistency.
People need to understand that the Bible is not just the word of men—but that it is, in truth the Word of the living God.
There were occasions in Scripture when Jesus wept and lamented. It seems logical to ask ourselves then, why did Jesus weep and lament?
Many people conclude that making judgments on anyone (especially coming from Christians) is wrong because the Bible says ”judge not” (Matthew 7:1).
Mark’s Gospel claims Jesus was “immediately” driven into the wilderness after His baptism, but John seems to disagree. Ron Dudek examines the context of these passages.
Tom Meyer takes seriously the Bible’s command to hide Scripture in his heart (Psalm 119:11).
What is the ultimate, unshakable source of the Bible’s authority?
Believers are constantly reminded to read their Bibles. Why is it so vital for Christians to constantly read, study, and meditate on the Word of God?
Why did Paul encourage Christians to pray everywhere, but Jesus said to pray in secret?
Throughout their writings about the Savior, the apostles referred to Genesis 1 as a certain historical fact that points to eternal spiritual truths
What exactly constitutes a miracle, and did they really occur as recorded in the Bible? Paul Taylor explains.
Was Jehu condemned for carrying out the command God gave him? Troy Lacey and Tim Chaffey explain this alleged contradiction.
Not just the Bible’s authors but Jesus Christ Himself claimed that the Bible was God’s Word.
Tim Chaffey, AiG–US, explains why Genesis should be interpreted as historical narrative.
God is capable of accurately relaying His Word to us in a way that we can understand.
Lord, what area of my life today needs to be brought under your authority in full compliance to your Holy Word?
PDF DownloadNations that once feared God now ignore Him and despise His Word. Not much has changed in the lst four thousand years, since Babel.
Christians must use a certain key—hermeneutics, or the rules of interpretation.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.