Bible Study Tip 3—Pray First

Excerpt from Operation Arctic Junior Teacher Guide

on March 8, 2017

Arctic explorers need to be prepared. They don’t just fling themselves into an exploration without preparing.

As a Bible explorer, you should prepare yourself, too. And one key thing to do before starting your Bible exploration each day is to pray! First, ask God to help you love Him and His Word more. You may not start loving God’s Word right away, but over time, year after year, you will find yourself loving it more and more.

Also, ask God to help you understand what you’re reading. This is important because the Bible can’t be properly understood without the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God. Only those who are children of God are able to understand its meaning. If you’re not a child of God, you won’t really understand it.

If you’re a child of God, remember that this special book is written for you, but you should pray before reading it. A good prayer for this is to pray our theme verse, Psalm 119:18.

So pray that God will help you love Him and His Word more, and that He’ll open your eyes so you can understand and see all the wondrous things there!

Open My Eyes

Learn it! Love it! Live it! Tips

Tip 1: Check your 3 8 .
Tip 2: Remember God's Word is a 12 16 .
Tip 3: 1 first.
Tip 4: Find a 14 and 5 first.
Tip 5: Pay close 7 17 10 .
Tip 6: Remember 2 18 .
Is there . . .
. . . an EX 11 to follow?
. . . a P 4 to claim?
. . . a L 15 to learn?
. . . an O 9 (sin) to confess?
. . . a R 6 to obey?
. . . an E to 13 ?

The Ultimate Challenge

2 6 16 1 9 3 17 ! 14 18 13 15 5 12 ! 11 10 13 8 4 7 !
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