Christians should love, not fear, Muslims. If you look under the surface, you’ll see just how hopeless their religion leaves them. By faithfully sharing God’s grace as revealed in His Word, you can watch the light of Christ’s salvation break into their darkened hearts.
Most other religious books do not make the claim that all knowledge is deposited in their god; and if they did, they would not be able to make good on the claim. The Mormon gods change with time. The Koran teaches that Jesus is not the Son of God.
In a recent article titled “Why I Raise My Children Without God,” the guest writer (who remains anonymous) explains why she no longer tells her children about God: “When we raise kids without God, we tell them the truth—we are no more special than the next creature. We are just a very, very small part of a big, big machine.”
Two influential biologists believe that evolution is a religion—a religion of atheism where there are no end products and where evolution reigns supreme.
Agnostics are highly dubious of God’s existence but understand that they cannot be completely sure He does not exist. Can we know for sure that God exists?
Atheism, the belief that there is no God, is a logically inconsistent and irrational worldview that destroys the possibility of knowledge and science.
Humanism, a religion that glorifies man while excluding God, is an empty religion that can offer no hope or ultimate fulfillment.
Pope Francis was recently at a gathering of young people in Singapore where he shared, “All religions are paths to reach God.”
In a certain sense you don’t convert to paganism; you are a pagan. It is more of an inner discovery than a conversion.
Looking closely at Shinto can give us a better understanding of the underlying fundamental beliefs that shape the thinking of the Japanese people.
Atheists believe that religion should be kept out of public places. But what if atheistic humanism is a religion, too?
In major cities around the English-speaking world, people gather under the guise of church, but they have one distinct purpose: to have fellowship without God.
Why is this question asked? While it is likely raised because postmodernism demands that all roads lead to God, it still has some validity because of a man we meet in the book of Genesis: Abraham.
The Bible uses strong language to describe any form of compromise with worldly thinking. And it doesn’t just apply to the ancient Israelites.
Zoroastrianism has aspects similar to Christianity and may have been influenced by events from Genesis as they were passed down from generation to generation.
The New Age worldview centers on monism (all is one), pantheism (all is God), and mysticism (the experience of oneness with the divine).
Postmodernism is the perspective that all religions are equally valid and that no one can dogmatically say that one religion is more valid than another.
The term Hinduism refers to a singular religious identity of the Hindu tradition that incorporates multiple cultures and a variety of belief systems.
Christians should love, not fear, Muslims. If you look under the surface, you’ll see just how hopeless their religion leaves them.
Ancient Egyptians were quite conscious of their sinful hearts and recognized the threat their guilty hearts posed to their chances for eternal bliss.
Deism teaches that God made the universe and its natural laws, and then left it running on its own, free from any divine interference or interaction.
Naturalism, or philosophical naturalism, is one of the most popular religions in the world today, although most people don’t recognize it as such.
Surely, evolution is about the origin and development of life-forms on earth — what has this got to do with religion? Evolution is science, isn’t it?
Other than their exclusive claims to being the one true church, to which I will return later, what are the distinctive views of the Eastern Orthodox?
The stories about origins of the Greek gods stand in contrast to the one true God, who according to the Bible is not a created being but has always existed.
As one of history’s oldest surviving global religions, Buddhism is one of the fastest growing faiths, and currently boasts almost half a billion adherents.
How hard is it to share the gospel with a Muslim? By observing basic pointers, any believer can begin effectively sharing the good news of his Creator God.
Ask your Mormon friends if they are weary of trying to earn God’s favor, and then point them to the true Jesus whose yoke is easy and burden is light.
What is presuppositionalism? And how does it effectively challenge all forms of unbelieving (non-biblical) thought?
Even atheists admit that people who err about origins aren’t necessarily “ignorant, stupid, or insane.” There is a fourth option.
How should you respond as a faithful witness for Christ when in a gospel-oriented conversation with an atheist?
If God doesn’t exist—and life has no ultimate meaning—why do atheists get passionate when it comes to fighting biblical Christianity?
Adam McNutt established Set Them Free International to rescue girls and young women who have become trapped in the $32 billion human trafficking industry.
Whether it’s atheism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and so on, all make man god, instead of trusting in the Creator God of the Bible.
Druidry, a pagan religion that once dominated the British Isles, is now recognized as a legitimate charity in Britain.
A creationist movement is growing in Turkey. But it doesn’t point to the Creator of the Bible.
Other religions claim that they have the true written word of some god. What makes Christianity different? Dr. Jason Lisle, answers this common question.
Many people think that the vast majority of Muslims are opposed to hearing the gospel of Christ.
Imagine my shock when I discovered that some Muslim leaders were using their own form of ‘creation evangelism’ to convert people to Islam!
“I have read your article to do with the connection between Darwins’ theories and those views that the Nazi’s had and found them very informational.”
Evolution as a religious system has been adopted by many students, scholars and laypeople as a way to explain the origin and the development of the cosmos and all life including man.
The Pew Research Center found in a new study that the number of self-identified Christians in America is dropping.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.