Creation at Work in Slavic Lands

on March 1, 2018
Featured in Answers Magazine

Just after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, thousands of people couldn’t wait to get a copy of the Bible from missionaries handing them out on street corners. If you hand out Bibles today in the major cities (which is again illegal in most former Soviet countries), people walk by without interest.

But the zeal of faithful churches in these countries is undimmed. Slavic Gospel Association (SGA) continues to distribute Bibles and creation materials to serve these churches, knowing that God’s Word still has infinite power to change hearts, when fearlessly presented without apology (Romans 10:14–15).

SGA is so committed to equipping the churches in these lands that, for the past 10 years, they have partnered with creation ministries to include creationist literature among their gospel-proclaiming materials. They believe an understanding of Genesis is foundational to an understanding of the gospel and establishing a biblical worldview.

The former Soviet culture was so steeped in atheistic naturalism and evolutionary ideas that even some Christians would affirm that evolution and the big bang were true, and yet still affirm six-day creation. The need for sound teaching in Genesis could not be greater.

Foundational to the gospel ministry of SGA is their teaching that God’s Word is inerrant, infallible, and sufficient for understanding the world around us. Through their supported seminaries, Bible institutes, and church-based training programs, SGA is making a difference, one person at a time, as the truths of the Bible become the foundation of vibrant and faithful churches (Ephesians 2:19–20).

Slavic Gospel

Answers Magazine

March–April 2018

The beach beckons us with its seashells. More than just ornate collectables, they testify to the Creator’s lavish provision for even the lowliest creatures. The Creator designed shells with mind-boggling features evolution can’t begin to explain.

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